abbbijo: I have a job interview at Arby's tomorrow should I...? When I get there do I just walk in and say "Hello, I have a job interview" or what?? Also, on the application it asked me what is my greatest achievement. But I left that blank because I couldn't think of anything at the moment, and I forgot to go back an answer it before giving them … [Read more...] about I have a job interview at Arby’s tomorrow should I…?
Do “pretty girls” have to initiate a bit more to show interest back?
Only girl in your world: Do "pretty girls" have to initiate a bit more to show interest back? I'm an old fashioned girl yet modern. I was raised to believe that if a guy wants you, he'll come over and "do the work". If you don't here from him after, "he's just not that into you" and ladies need to accept it. I was catching up w. an acquaintance - … [Read more...] about Do “pretty girls” have to initiate a bit more to show interest back?
Job Interview Question: “Did you prepare for this interview?”?
Sam Jinse: Job Interview Question: "Did you prepare for this interview?"? How would you answer this? Answers and Views: Answer by Kaitlyn McPartlin"Prepare for it? I didn't think there was anything to prepare for." Answer by MarionAbsolutely. (example: I have been studying computer tech for 5 years. I had a part-time and summer job … [Read more...] about Job Interview Question: “Did you prepare for this interview?”?
If someone asks in a job interview, “what are you looking to make” how does one respond to this?
IAskUAnswer: If someone asks in a job interview, "what are you looking to make" how does one respond to this? Does one counteract that with, "What were you planning to pay for this job?" Do you just give them a range? If so, where should your minimum fall in this range - like should your minimum (x) be your minimum or should it fall in the … [Read more...] about If someone asks in a job interview, “what are you looking to make” how does one respond to this?
How to sell your abilities in a job interview?
MG: How to sell your abilities in a job interview? I have been having a hard time selling my abilities to job interviewers. My problem is this, I am from a culture where "tooting your own horn" is frowned upon. Hence, I don't know what exactly how to sell myself or abilities. It is obvious in my resume I have the skills required for the job, plus … [Read more...] about How to sell your abilities in a job interview?
First Job Interview!!!!! (need helpful answers and tips!)?
:): First Job Interview!!!!! (need helpful answers and tips!)? I don't have a resume, never had a job or a job interview! I am looking to get a part time job to become just a little more self dependent, which also includes making my own money. I am a very hard worker, but am very unfamiliar to the whole "nailing the job interview". I am looking at … [Read more...] about First Job Interview!!!!! (need helpful answers and tips!)?
Job Interview – “Could improve points”?
Shivani: Job Interview - "Could improve points"? Hi, I am going to a job interview and one of the questions that I usually have difficulty is "What are the areas that you could improve in". I am not sure what I can say without undermining myself. I am computer programmer / analyst. Any ideas would be appreciated. Thank you. Answers and … [Read more...] about Job Interview – “Could improve points”?