don't call my name.: What are government officials, in a democratic government? I'm doing this project for my Civics class. I have to create my own government. It says how will government officials be elected, and I'm using the U.S.A.'s government(democratic government) as my government. The teacher said we could pick a government or use one that … [Read more...] about What are government officials, in a democratic government?
How do men expect moderate feminists to “weed out” radical “feminists” from Feminism?
Dedicatedonlytome: How do men expect moderate feminists to "weed out" radical "feminists" from Feminism? First of all, there's no sort of excommunication process in feminism. Anyone can call themselves a feminist and there's nothing to stop them. Why do men want to think the radical "feminists" are the real feminists? Answers and … [Read more...] about How do men expect moderate feminists to “weed out” radical “feminists” from Feminism?
Can you stop the incitement against Islam and racism against his followers in Europe and America?
Shadi Slamat: Can you stop the incitement against Islam and racism against his followers in Europe and America? O man, it's time to go back to your humanity and forget your pain, wounds, and there is a difference between Islam and terrorism! And al-Qaeda kills Muslims than other religions! Why Islam are the only ones who are humiliated in … [Read more...] about Can you stop the incitement against Islam and racism against his followers in Europe and America?
What happens when the government runs out of money, and becomes bankrupt?
advait0: What happens when the government runs out of money, and becomes bankrupt? The U.S. Federal Government is in major extreme almost unsolvable debt, State governments sometimes go broke resulting in a shut down of services. So what happens when a state government goes bankrupt for a long period of time, say 6 months to a year? What if the … [Read more...] about What happens when the government runs out of money, and becomes bankrupt?
What part of government would i send my letter to reagarding legalizing marijuana?
carebear: What part of government would i send my letter to reagarding legalizing marijuana? Im writing a letter about legalizing marijuana, and i would like to send it to the government, but i dont know what section of the government takaes care of those kind of things. Help? Answers and Views: Answer by ShawnFBI, DEA, and the … [Read more...] about What part of government would i send my letter to reagarding legalizing marijuana?
What do you think of hillary’s “Christmas Tree” Ad?
Freedom Guy: What do you think of hillary's "Christmas Tree" Ad? My opinion: It is the most disgusting ad I have ever seen. Ignoring the socialist platform, I just despise the idea that the government is sitting up on the hill passing out gifts. Even free-loving liberals should find this ad repulsive. This is not an ad for free people. It is an … [Read more...] about What do you think of hillary’s “Christmas Tree” Ad?
Is politics in the classroom considered a civil right?
briek24: Is politics in the classroom considered a civil right? I need to write a research paper in relation to civil rights in the school setting. Would politics in the classroom be considered a civil right? Any other suggestions for topics? Thanks in advance for the help!! Answers and Views: Answer by Ethan MI don't understand your … [Read more...] about Is politics in the classroom considered a civil right?