The Mommy Delivered: when you add up all the people who claim christianity, but, live like trash.. then add the hypocrites, pharisees and saducees, the monday through saturday sinners and sunday saints, backbiters, gossipers, angry, child abusers, wife beaters, drug users, theives, murderers, effimanate, cursers, lazy, modern, rich, … [Read more...] about when you add up all the people who claim christianity, but, live like trash..
What should a father do when his ten year old daughter comes home with a real tattoo on her body?
[email protected]: What should a father do when his ten year old daughter comes home with a real tattoo on her body? What should a father do when his ten year old daughter comes home with a real tattoo on her body? Her mother allowed her to have it, because that is what she wanted. Answers and Views: Answer by Denver MaxMaybe, if you … [Read more...] about What should a father do when his ten year old daughter comes home with a real tattoo on her body?
What skin-lightening product should I use to lighten my face?
China Doll Nightmare: What skin-lightening product should I use to lighten my face? My entire body is paper white but my face has an olive or tannish coloring to it. If I put my hand up to my face, you can see the comparison. I just want my face's skin color to match my body skin color. I'd prefer to use homemade products (I tried lemon juice for … [Read more...] about What skin-lightening product should I use to lighten my face?
What should a mother do when her 14 daughter comes home from Mexico with a permanent tattoo on her body?
Na Na: What should a mother do when her 14 daughter comes home from Mexico with a permanent tattoo on her body? What should a mother do when her 14 daughter comes home from Mexico with a permanent tattoo on her body? She was in Mexico with her father and was there with her mothers consent. She does not want it removed and this was legal under … [Read more...] about What should a mother do when her 14 daughter comes home from Mexico with a permanent tattoo on her body?
What are good reasons to get a tattoo or piercing?
imperfectlyme123: What are good reasons to get a tattoo or piercing? I am trying to write a persuasive speech on why someone should get a tattoo or a piercing. So What are some reasons to get a tattoo or piercing? Do you know any websites that state why you should get a piercing or tattoo? Answers and Views: Answer by Rev. Al PoYou … [Read more...] about What are good reasons to get a tattoo or piercing?
How do I hide a tongue piercing and how was the process like?
Unfinal Rewind: How do I hide a tongue piercing and how was the process like? I'm 16. I'm thinking of piercing my tongue. Any suggestion on how it feels like? After care stuff and all ? And how to hide it ? This is not my first piercing. I already have a naval piercing. Thanks yeah Hey thanks for the info. How bad could the lisp go ? /: If you … [Read more...] about How do I hide a tongue piercing and how was the process like?
Can you use permanent tattoo ink to draw a temporary tattoo? How long will it last?
bd-queen: Can you use permanent tattoo ink to draw a temporary tattoo? How long will it last? Can I use permanent tattoo ink with a airbrush or temporary tattoo pen? Will permanent ink last longer than the temporary ink? I know that unless I use proper machine, it won't be permanent. Answers and Views: Answer by Grey CatWhat you need to … [Read more...] about Can you use permanent tattoo ink to draw a temporary tattoo? How long will it last?