electromglol: How much swelling from a tongue piercing is normal? This is the beginning of the third day that I've had my tongue pierced. They did it at an angle and left less room for swelling than normal. I've noticed past couple of days that the top ball is digging into my tongue and making quite an indent. Does it sound like it still has … [Read more...] about How much swelling from a tongue piercing is normal?
How long after getting my industrial piercing should I wait before dying my hair?
onesonglory33: How long after getting my industrial piercing should I wait before dying my hair? I got my industrial done a week ago. I really need to dye my hair but don't want to do it if it's going to fuck up my piercing. I don't know how long I should wait before dying my hair so as I don't make my piercing have problems. Hair dye isn't … [Read more...] about How long after getting my industrial piercing should I wait before dying my hair?
What hurts more Nipple piercings or Vertical Clitoral Hood Piercing?
Jess: What hurts more Nipple piercings or Vertical Clitoral Hood Piercing? I just had my nipples pierced two days ago and to me the piercing didn't hurt THAT bad but afterwards it did. Now I am considering getting a VCH piercing, what do you guys think the pain level is compared to a nipple piercing? Answers and Views: Answer by … [Read more...] about What hurts more Nipple piercings or Vertical Clitoral Hood Piercing?
lissete: skin.........? does lemon juice really lighten ur skin or tones it??? Answers and Views: Answer by raindrops_jxit's supposed to do both.. Answer by reginaNo.. It doesn't lighten your skin.Answer by foxit does...but on a gradual manner..meaning slower than products that has chemicals on it.Answer by TWAre you concerned with overall … [Read more...] about skin………?
Which would you pick, best answer!?
Kirby Whitaker: Which would you pick, best answer!? I am going to college to be one of these things which would you choose? Lawyer or politician Lawyer-Good with lawsuits, laws, trials(they are NOT the ones that use the hammer) Politician-Deals with matters of the courts, gov., rights, experts at the constitution. Artist-Painter, drawer, … [Read more...] about Which would you pick, best answer!?
How much would a tattoo like this cost and how long would it take to complete?
Pi a la mode: How much would a tattoo like this cost and how long would it take to complete? A friend of mine is pretty adamant on getting a tattoo of a snake wrapping around her body from her foot to her lower back. After the snake ends, a phoenix coming out of the snake covers the rest of her back. This is a pretty big tattoo. How much would … [Read more...] about How much would a tattoo like this cost and how long would it take to complete?
What kind of piercing is the least painful?
ExtremelyLogical: What kind of piercing is the least painful? I already have the traditional ear lobes pierced and I was thinking of getting another piercing, nothing crazy. And I'm not like a piercing fanatic. I was wondering what else I could get pierced that would be the least painful out of : one piercing up from the lobes (also known as … [Read more...] about What kind of piercing is the least painful?