electromglol: How much swelling from a tongue piercing is normal?
This is the beginning of the third day that I’ve had my tongue pierced. They did it at an angle and left less room for swelling than normal. I’ve noticed past couple of days that the top ball is digging into my tongue and making quite an indent. Does it sound like it still has potential to be a healthy piercing a week from now as long as I keep it clean? From what I understand, the 2-3rd day is the peak of a tongue piercing’s swelling.
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Answer by anwall10
okay, they shouldnt have done that at an angle. that could put you at more risk for infection and for them to hit either of the two veins that could cause permanent damage to your face or even cause death if you bleed enough. then, most swelling lasts 2-4 hours. not days. there are some rare cases of the tongue being swollen for up to 4 days. now, the barbell it should have been pierced with is longer than the ones you are suppose to replace it with to compensate for the swelling. if it is still swollen now and the ball is pressing into your tongue, there is a chance that your tongue can reject the metal of the barbell or you could have an infection due to the angle that they pierced it at. if i were you, i would go see my dentist or doctor about it.
Answer by anonymous =]
Well if the ball is digging into your tongue then you need to replace the jewelry with a longer barbell.
The ball will continue making a hole in your tongue and it will get really painful.
I’d suggest buying a longer barbell and then going to the place you got it pierced at and have them put the new barbell in.
If you don’t then you’re going to be facing a lot of problems down the road and you’d end up having to take it out.
Answer by iamthepinkprincess
mine is at a slight angle as there is a vein in the centre of my tongue.
if you think the bar is too short, go back to the piercers and ask him to change it to a longer one. they will do it straight away. all tongue piercings swell differently, it’s normal.
you’ll be fine 🙂
Answer by brittanyyy
anwall10’s info is not correct. Tongue piercings swell up to two weeks, it’s completely normal. Rejection is VERY rare in tongue piercings. They’re super easy to heal, and it takes a lot to mess them up.
They pierce at an angle to accomodate for your anatomy (not hitting your teeth, gums, or tongue web). It doesn’t affect swelling, OR risk of infection. Any good piercer will do this to protect your teeth and gums.
It’s normal to have your tongue swell to the point where you do not see any extra barbell- just the balls.
You will need to be changed to a longer barbell if the top ball literally begins to sink into the piercing’s hole… getting embedded. If this happens, you’ll just get changed to a longer barbell by your piercer, and your piercing will begin to settle down and be fine. This happened to a standard navel piercing I’ve previously had.
An indentation in your tongue is normal.
Take Ibuprofen every 4 hours, eat lots of ice, drink lots of cold water, and cold foods to help with swelling.
Swishing with hot water will help with pain.
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