Roberto: What are some tips for me to learn how to get better at kissing girls? I only know the basics,but I never French kissed before.I always wondered do girls practice on each other before they kiss men.When it's a beautiful girl,I get nervous thinking I won't kiss her the way she likes it.I feel I'm a failure at it,and just go straight to sex … [Read more...] about What are some tips for me to learn how to get better at kissing girls?
How can I “make love” out of sex?
Me: How can I "make love" out of sex? My husband and I have been married 6 years, I'm in my early 20's and hes in his early 30's. When we first met, as with all relationships, the sex was fresh and exciting. Now its boring and lackluster, I have always just wanted a little "movie sex" with passion. Our sex never includes foreplay, kissing, or even … [Read more...] about How can I “make love” out of sex?
How should I tell my wife, I like to wear a pair of bib overall shorts she has?
Spike: How should I tell my wife, I like to wear a pair of bib overall shorts she has? My wife has a pair of bib overall shorts that when she was not around one day I put them on. They fit really good and in the warm weather, I loved the comfort of just wearing them with a sleeveless T-shirt and tennis shoes. They were comfortable for running … [Read more...] about How should I tell my wife, I like to wear a pair of bib overall shorts she has?
What is easier, is it to “Fall in love”? Or to “Fall out of love”? Why..?
Into My Heart You Whisper: What is easier, is it to "Fall in love"? Or to "Fall out of love"? Why..? What do you personally think about this? THANK YOU EVERYONE FOR ALL YOUR GOOD SHARINGS!! Have a wonderful time..!! Answers and Views: Answer by FallHuman behaviour in general - it is easier to fall in love with opposite sex. Answer by … [Read more...] about What is easier, is it to “Fall in love”? Or to “Fall out of love”? Why..?
What is the Marriage and Divorce Rate among Military personnel today?
Jenny: What is the Marriage and Divorce Rate among Military personnel today? I'm doing an article on Marriage and Divorce rates of young people in the military, but can't seem to find any information or stats that are more recent than 2008. Can anyone help with maybe links or anything? Answers and Views: Answer by BerzirkSorry, I would be … [Read more...] about What is the Marriage and Divorce Rate among Military personnel today?
What are the pros and cons of a K-1 fiancee visa versus a spousal visa?
Fool for the City: What are the pros and cons of a K-1 fiancee visa versus a spousal visa? I know an American citizen who is getting married to a Canadian woman. While helping him do some research to make it a legal process, I noticed that there is a K-1 fiancee visa for her, or a spousal visa. Other than cost, what is the difference between the … [Read more...] about What are the pros and cons of a K-1 fiancee visa versus a spousal visa?
What’s more important; to be “In Love” or to “Love”?
V.G.I.: What's more important; to be "In Love" or to "Love"? When, entering a relationship, do you think it's more important to be "in love" with the other person or to "love" the other person. Do you think you have to be "in love" at the beginning of a relationship? Or do you think you can fall in love later? OR Do you think you can start … [Read more...] about What’s more important; to be “In Love” or to “Love”?