Sweet One: How long after a divorce would you say is a healthy time to date again with the view of remarrying? I'm asking because I'm a woman and sometimes I meet men who are divorced. I imagine there may be a good rule of thumb as far as time which has passed since a divorce as far as dating. What are your experiences and thoughts on … [Read more...] about How long after a divorce is a healthy time to date again for remarrying?
How do I get my girlfriend to want more sex?
Bill Oscar: How do I get my girlfriend to want more sex? Ok, I've posted several times asking ways to kill my sex drive because my girlfriend doesn't want to have sex anymore. I'm not a sex fiend, just wanting sex 3-4 times a week but my girlfriend doesn't want to have sex anymore. We have been together two years, in our late twenties. Aside … [Read more...] about How do I get my girlfriend to want more sex?
What are some good senior gifts for under thirty dollars for a girls soccer team?
blackknightteags: What are some good senior gifts for under thirty dollars for a girls soccer team? We have a little over 30 dollars to spend on each senior and have 7 seniors. We need to get them somthing for senior gifts in the next two weeks. They're players on the soccer team and the gift would be somthing from all of us underclassmen. What … [Read more...] about What are some good senior gifts for under thirty dollars for a girls soccer team?
If you are part of a wedding party, do you purchase the bride and groom a wedding present?
MCGC: If you are part of a wedding party, do you purchase the bride and groom a wedding present? I am a groomsmen in my buddy's wedding, and I am unsure if I'm supposed to buy him and the bride a wedding gift. What is the proper etiquette with this? Answers and Views: Answer by ElizabethYes, you should give the couple something to honor … [Read more...] about If you are part of a wedding party, do you purchase the bride and groom a wedding present?
How Do You Know POll: How do you know if you are a good or bad kisser?
Miss Sexy McTopheavy: How Do You Know POll: How do you know if you are a good or bad kisser? I recently asked if people were good kissers, and was suprised that a few people said "No". How do you know? I'm pretty confident that I'm the worlds second best kisser, but I've only heard that second or third hand. Answers and Views: Answer by … [Read more...] about How Do You Know POll: How do you know if you are a good or bad kisser?
What is the percentage of teens being more likely to listen to their peers then parents?
kiki: What is the percentage of teens being more likely to listen to their peers then parents? Im doing a research paper and i would like to know the percentage of teens being more likely to listen to their peers then parents. And if anybody knows any good website on this topic please tell; thank you. Answers and Views: Answer by … [Read more...] about What is the percentage of teens being more likely to listen to their peers then parents?
How long after having intercourse will a home pregnancy test produce accurate results?
Jayna Hoover: How long after having intercourse will a home pregnancy test produce accurate results? I recently had my IUD removed. I never had a normal period when I had it. Aside from a little over a week of heavy bleeding after it's removal, and then again a couple weeks later, I have only had one normal period since. I do not remember the date … [Read more...] about How long after having intercourse will a home pregnancy test produce accurate results?