The Christ Puncher: Spiritually speaking; Does god distinguish between "making love" and "banging" within a married couple? Answers and Views: Answer by Losasha"banging" is a very crass phrase-----this has no place here-----and yes-----sex is either an intercourse-----or LUST-----God can easily tell the difference----- Answer by puddles … [Read more...] about Spiritually speaking; Does god distinguish between “making love” and “banging” within a married couple?
How legitimate is it to denounce Islam with the following argument?
AxiomOfChoice: How legitimate is it to denounce Islam with the following argument? "Islam came after Christianity - Christianity is HUNDREDS of years older than Islam - and is similar to Christianity in many, many ways. Hence The Koran is just a spurious carbon-copy of The Bible, with "Jesus Christ" scratched out everywhere it appears and … [Read more...] about How legitimate is it to denounce Islam with the following argument?
What should i do to start off practicing Theravada Buddhism?
Nick: What should i do to start off practicing Theravada Buddhism? I have recently come to realize Buddhism is what i will understand as my reality. Any books i should read? Can you tell me how i should meditate and what i should concentrate on while meditating? Please assist me, thank you in advance. Nicolai Answers and Views: Answer by … [Read more...] about What should i do to start off practicing Theravada Buddhism?
Why do Islam people believe having fun is consider a sin?
123: Why do Islam people believe having fun is consider a sin? Why do Islam people think Just because you have fun it is a bad thing? For example, many of us have electronic device such as, Mp3 player, Radio, Television, CD Player, etc. We often use it to have some entertainment. Islam people think those entertainment device is consider a sin. We … [Read more...] about Why do Islam people believe having fun is consider a sin?
What religion would cause you to be against micro-chipping your pet?
amyjp612: What religion would cause you to be against micro-chipping your pet? I read an answer on another question where someone said they were against microchipping because it was against their religion. Can anyone explain this to me? New Years Eve Basset: Could you elaborate on that more? I think they said something like that in their … [Read more...] about What religion would cause you to be against micro-chipping your pet?
What religions do Christianity get there beliefs from?
Charles: What religions do Christianity get there beliefs from? Ok I don't believe in God for many reasons. But, someone told me that the Bible gets it information from other religions that where around before it was written. Of course Christians are going to say this not true. If there are any people out there that know history could you tell me … [Read more...] about What religions do Christianity get there beliefs from?
What are some examples of Violence in Buddhism and Christianity?
razzlebaybee: What are some examples of Violence in Buddhism and Christianity? An Example for violence in Christianity is the crucifixion of Jesus and one for Buddhism is Ganeshe's story of getting his head chopped off.. can anyone help me with two more?? thankkssss! Answers and Views: Answer by AriViolence within Christianity, you REALLY … [Read more...] about What are some examples of Violence in Buddhism and Christianity?