AxiomOfChoice: How legitimate is it to denounce Islam with the following argument?
“Islam came after Christianity – Christianity is HUNDREDS of years older than Islam – and is similar to Christianity in many, many ways. Hence The Koran is just a spurious carbon-copy of The Bible, with “Jesus Christ” scratched out everywhere it appears and “Mohammed” scribbled in. Anyone who can denounce Christianity and espouse Islam with a straight face is obviously unsound.”
I have *many* friends who make this very argument, and I’d like to know how sound it is. Thanks.
Answers and Views:
Answer by BAM
It is legitimate to expose and denounce a hate-mongering lie any way one can.
Not too vaild actually. If you try reading the two books you will see that in some ways they are similar but in many ways they are not.Answer by Ryan G
Atheism is older than ANY religion.Answer by anonopokes
you denounce Islam you denounce alot of christianity they are very similar not exactly the same but your friends arguments are flawed because christianity is judaism that at some of the OT altered and tacked jesus on so using your friends logic christianity is false and Judaism is the only right Abrahamic religionAnswer by Ex_Pro_and_Ex_Con
It is the best of arguments. IF Christianity is right, Islam is wrong.
St Paul says :
“But even if we, or an angel from heaven, should preach to you a gospel contrary to that which we preached to you, let him be accursed.”
And that is exactly the attitude of Islam towards say Mormonism.
Islam says what Paul says but doesn’t let Paul himself say it.
the same argument can be used against Christianity with paganismAnswer by jacobshaoullevy
You could logically make the same argument regarding Christianity in response to Judaism. Judaism came first and is a thousand years older. Hence the New Testament is only a Greek corruption of the Israelite religion. I don’t necessarily agree with that statement bu am just using it because I don’t think that is a legitimate means to denounce Islam.Answer by Ray Patterson – A.R.T. wannabe
That’s nonsense. Just because something’s newer doesn’t make it less valid, and Mohammed is in no way a replacement of Jesus, the roles of Mohammed and Jesus in their respective religions are extremely different. Most importantly: Mohammed is a prophet, just like the muslims believe Jesus was, not an incarnation of God himself.Answer by John B
hmm…….i guess they are in denialAnswer by Mim
I do not think it is good but would agree that the quran is a twisted version of the bible with many laws added
islam is far more like judaism that christian just they accept Jesus as a prophet which is not really any help when mohamed denounces what he taught.Answer by stevian1
Since most pagan religions predate Christianity by millennia, then Christianity is bogus. Works for meAnswer by Salsa Shark
I don’t know of any Christians who are likely to cut your head off by belittling the church…but why don’t you go try your argument out on some Islamic fundamentalist nations and I’m sure they’ll let you know whether the argument is legitimate.
The cowardice of those who decry Christianity and then don’t have the stones to be just as vitriolic and outspoken over the violence done in the name of Islam has become tedious. I salute you, shout it from the mountaintops!
Answer by hewrayVery invalid
Christianity itself is based off older religions
Answer by Md SFrankly, your argument is very premature.
Remember, Judaism came long before Christianity.
Ancient Egyptians are well-known for recording history, and I don’t recall any of their recordings works depicting Jesus.
Very old bibles mentioned God’s name “Jehovah”. The latter don’t. Go to a local library and pick out a very old Bible.
Old bibles did have Jesus predicting someone ‘great’ coming in the future and he would do great wonders. The name “Ahmad” was found. Same again, go to a local library and pick out a very old Bible.
Guys, just have a look at the following websites but not to decide for yourself. It is reallyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy up to you.
What Christians have to say about Islam:
What Muslims have to say about Christianity:
There are many more websites. All you have to use key words for searching. For instance: bible errors, contradictions in the Quran, Bible-Quran debate, etc…..
Answer by jim g pIt doesn’t matter how sound this is. The fact is, they believe in the way it is. Wars have and are started of such arguments. You can Denounce it for your self, that is fine. Let people do what they want.Answer by icathcart
Christianity came after Judaism – Judaism is THOUSANDS of years older than christianity – and christianity is similar to Judaism in many ways. Hence the New Testament is just a carbon copy of the Torah and Talmud with Hashem scratched out and G-d AND his so-called immaculately conceived child Jesus scribbled in….Do you see where I’m going here?Answer by cynical
You don’t need much to denounce Islam. The person is historically correct, Islam did came after Judaism and Christianity. For all we know, Mohammad just copied from it. I do agree that anyone who denounces Christianity but favors Islam is a complete idiot. Islam has done more harm and is a destructive force. Look at Iran and Saudi Arabia. Their implement of Shariah laws. I think your friends are quite correct.Answer by lifting the fog
well do you use windows 98 or xp????
do you use fire fox or internet explorer?
tell them that they are right Islam is almost like Christianity (isnt it the same one GOD??) the only difference is that our gospel (the Quran) is preserved in the original language in only one version without a word change .
early Christians was disputed about jesus whether he is GOD,son of GOD or just a prophet and the trinity wasnt accepted till Council of Nicaea 325 A.D.
tell them we have we have received the truth ,the answers they may looking for
tell them The Quran makes the clear challenge, that if you are in doubt about it – then bring a book like it. Also, to bring ten chapters like it and then finally, to bring one single chapter like it. 1,400 years – and no one has been able to duplicate it’s beauty, recitation, miracles and ease of memorization. Another challenge for the unbelievers to consider; “If this (Quran) were from other than GOD, you would find within it many contradictions.
Answer by Shaik Abdul Cader Dawood1. The day-to-day life of the Prophet was an open book for all to see. In fact a revelation came asking people to give the Prophet (pbuh) privacy in his own home. If the Prophet had been meeting people who told him what to say as a revelation from God, this would not have been hidden for very long.
2. The extremely prominent Quraish nobles who followed the Prophet and accepted Islam were wise and intelligent men who would have easily noticed anything suspicious about the way in which the Prophet brought the revelations to them – more so since the Prophetic mission lasted 23 years.
3. The enemies of the Prophet kept a close watch on him in order to find proof for their claim that he was a liar – they could not point out even a single instance when the Prophet may have had a secret meeting with particular Jews and Christians.
The theory that Muhummad (pbuh) authored the Qur’an or copied from other sources can be disproved by the single historical fact that he was illiterate.
Allah testifies Himself in the Qur’an
In Surah Al-Ankabut chapter no.29 verse 48
“And thou was not (able) to recite a Book before this (Book came), nor art thou (able) to transcribe it with thy right hand: in that case, indeed, would the talkers of vanities have doubted.”
[Al-Qur’an 29:48]
Allah (swt) knew that many would doubt the authenticity of the Qur’an and would ascribe it to Prophet Muhummad (pbuh). Therefore Allah in His Divine Wisdom chose the last and final Messenger to be an ‘Ummi’, i.e. unlettered, so that the talkers of vanity would not then have the slightest justification to doubt the Prophet. The accusation of his enemies that he had copied the Qur’an from other sources and rehashed it all in a beautiful language might have carried some weight, but even this flimsy pretence has been deprived to the unbeliever and the cynic.
Allah reconfirms in the Qur’an in Surah Al A’raf chapter 7 verse 157:
“Those who follow the Messenger, the unlettered Prophet, whom they find mentioned in their own (Scriptures) in the Law and the Gospel”
The prophecy of coming of the unlettered Prophet (pbuh) is also mentioned in the Bible in the book of Isaiah chapter 29 verse 12.
“And the book is delivered to him that is not learned.”
[Isaiah 29:12]
Thus, historically and logically it cannot be established that there was a human source for the Qur’an.
Answer by Ahmed“Hence The Koran is just a spurious carbon-copy of The Bible, with “Jesus Christ” scratched out everywhere it appears and “Mohammed” scribbled in
That is not right.
Quran and the Bible are somehow similar because both of them came from God.
And do you know that the prophet Mohammad didn’t know how to read or write and he didn’t suppose to.
try to read some of the holy Quran
“There is no god but Allah and Mohammad is his messenger”
We believe in the word of god the prophet Jesus and all the prophets.
it seems like when people saw that Jesus has no father, they assumed that he is the son of God.
And Why God would need a son?
Adam and halwa(eve) where the first of the creation of humans and they were “Muslims”
So what is a muslim…….a muslim is someone that summits to the creator of the heaves and the earth………..
All the prophots were muslims!
Shu aib
Dhul kifi
Al Yasa
Isa (jesus)
Muhammad PBUH
the word islam came when Muhammad received the Quran from the creator of the heavens and the earth, Islam meaning “Submisssion” to the 1 and only God.
No other prophot called to any different religon! all had the same call to worship the 1 and only God…
The people AFTER them changed there message, and books to there own names and changed the truth to suit there desires………
Jesus was never a christian and never had a book called the bible…. He is a muslim and his followers at his time he was on the earth where all muslims…..after his body was taken away his message was changed by the people to suit there own disires and system. His book was the ingel……And a note on this is no body dies and comes back to live, so he was taken alive to a “heaven and he will return alive in the same state he was taken, and he will speak the same message he spoke he he was on the earth, calling the people to ISLAM because he is a muslim…………….
Mose the same he was never a jew……..
It’s not legitimate at all.
Do christians disbelieve in the bible because of its similarities to the Torah and because it came before the bible?
Do Jews ever say that christians copied the torah?
Answer by ALiHey dude, its gud that u ask. First of all, this explanation of u’r friend is not enough to denounce any religion, its a very childish excuse. All of the Books send down by GOD carry the same message, Torat, Bible and Quran are the same in that respect. Even the job of messengers almost the same;
If u think this excuse is right than we all should be Jews, Torah is same as Bible in that Regard, And Mosa (mosses) is then same as Jesus. Well the thing is that as a MUSLIM we believe that Torah and the bible were modified by different people, Jesus was started to be seen as a reflection of GOd, while the GOd is one. Thus there came a need to have a perfect and complete religion and a complete book (quran) which would guide the people on the right path.. OTher than that Islam is not Just a religion but its rather more than that, its a way of life. Not only for a person but for a whole community, for the entire nation. It carries LAWs and regulation, it does not inly teaches to pray GOD but also how to pray. It teaches us humanity and justice.
Just being older does not give one the supremacy of one to another. A religion has to be more strong from inside to be followed, it must be a compete code of life.
These are only points that came into my ind, i’ve missed a lot . IM or email me at [email protected].
Answer by YOYOWell yes Christianity is older then islam, that because allah (god) sent many Prophets. Jesus was one of them. Some people took his word (the gospels of Jesus), and made him the son of god. Which isn’t true. There is only one god and Mohamed is his Messenger. So after some people changed what jesus came her to tell us, then allah sent prophet Mohamed with the qur’an, to clear things up.Answer by Chemwhiz
It’s not very valid to say the koran is a “carbon-copy” of the Bible, because Muslims actually mention Jesus Christ in the Koran as well, so to say that its just a version of the bible with christ crossed out would be wrong in so many ways.
And to “Cynical”, religions don’t do harm, people who misunderstand them do.
Answer by MichThis argument is not convincing. Eg, one could denounce Christianity as a morph of Judaism, which implies Islam as also being spurious.
Islam as a religion should be evaluated on its own, and in doing so, the pundits claim that many millions of people have had better lives for practicing the disciplines that Islam requires – laws and societal proscriptions within an Abrahamic tradition are better than the law of the jungle, or complete chaos.
Otoh, many pundits criticize Islam with many legimate arguments.
Answer by zisskhanIf you say that way i can repeat your word saying that it is carbon copy of Torah (Book of Moses) striking out the real god name and accusing Issah the prophet of GOD to be none by GOD. So your argument is not storng. Let me clarify Quran is not a Carbon copy of Bible. let me take few point Bible condems Loth’s daughter for having sex with there father. The Quran dosent mention that Loth’s daugther had sex with there father but tells that they were virtous and rightoes. Bible allow chirstian to get intoxicated. Islam tells not to lose your senses by drinking wine that is why it is prohibited. And most improtant thing islam tell that there is one GOD and one God Alone and all those came before mohamed were messengers like him including Jesus. One major diffrence is Quran still exist in the language it was brought in that is Arabic. Where as bible orginal text is no where to found. You really get the orginal bible in hebrew which was the orginal languge that was it written in.
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