greendaygalzie: How long after an industrial piercing should I wait to pierce my naval?
How long after getting an industrial piercing should I wait to get a belly button piercing? I know my body needs time to accept the first piercing and everything, but about how long would you say I should wait?
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Answer by forget-me-nots & marigolds
actually, you should be able to fairly soon.
Some would say you need extra time but considering the two different spots, you should be able to get them done both in a short amount of time. I got my tongue and nose and indy done all on the same day by the same piercer and yes, it was a professional shop. so go in and ask them. 🙂
Answer by kiley
as long as the first is doing fine, you shouldnt have a problem with it
Answer by FeoMasBello
As long as you feel comfortable. It’s sometimes common for people to go into a shop and get multiple piercings at once. There’s no rule saying you have to wait…. it’s just up to you and your pain tolerance.
Answer by Princess
You could do both the same day… If you wanna wait you should wait a month, that’s the time the Industrial piercing needs to heal…
Good luck!
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