megan: clitoral peircing ? Expireinces and opinions.?
Im afraid to get this peircing. I have 15± other peircings. I have the money and time . I just want opinions and Expiriences . Does it hurt worse than septum or nipples ? thankyou
Answers and Views:
Answer by Trowa
Answer by Rebecca
Okay until you can spell experiences don’t get it done. Ya’ll know how trashy these porno piercings make you look to the average human being?
Answer by EMM
Bad idea, you can easily get infections down there which would be super painful! Plus if something happens to go wrong and the piercing isn’t done 100% properly there is a chance you will lose most feeling down there because of the # of nerves packed down there. Just let that percolate for a bit.
Answer by asher3620
Most people do not get an actual clitoral piercing. There is a risk of nerve damage when piercing the clitoris itself. Many women do not have a clitoris that is appropriately shaped or sized to be pierced directly. This is a piercing you should only trust to an EXTREMELY experienced piercer. You would need someone who is absolutely familiar with the myriad variations of female anatomy. This is such a risky piercing that many competent piercers refuse to perform it.
Most women who say they have a “clit piercing” actually mean that they have a clitoral hood piercing. This piercing is much safer, easier to heal, and more women are anatomically suited to receive it. A clitoral hood piercing can be performed vertically or horizontally. Depending on your body, you may even be able to wear multiple hood piercings if you prefer.
I have a pair of vertical hood piercings. Unlike most piercings, which felt like a pinch, getting them done felt exactly like being poked with a needle and having it pass through my skin. It wasn’t unbearable, but I wouldn’t do it for fun. It hurt for a shorter time than having my nipples pierced. They certainly weren’t as sore as nipple piercings afterwards and healed in a much shorter time.
I would suggest considering a clitoral hood piercing. If you have done lots of research and are set on getting an actual clitoral piercing, I suggest finding the best piercer you can track down. Fly there if you have to. It’s worth the expense to be sure you have the very best chance of a successful piercing.
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