Thing: What’s the difference between a hotel and a motel?
I’m kinda confused on what technically seperates the two where you’d call one a hotel and the other a motel. Is it just the size of it where hotels are just bigger? If it is, where do you draw the line? Is a motel privately owned? My question kinda sounds dumb but i’ve always wondered that.
There are motels with multiple levels too.
Answers and Views:
Answer by gazemail
one big deference is a hotel serves food but a motel doesn’t
Answer by Charlie
Motel is usually one level and you drive right up and park outside your room. A hotel id multi-level, and you park in a lot and take an elevator up to your room. Some are a conbo…you can park outside your room for 1st floor rooms, but they also have several upper floors.
Answer by smiles81
I always thought it was a hotel is multi level – and a motel is single level – not sure on that one though
Answer by rageinbull
The driving up to your door is inportant. Motel actualy come from combining “motor” and “hotel”.
Answer by WBinsider
Hotel = hotel with food etc
Motel= hotel + cars and automobiles (ideally located on a main street with easy entrance for cars)
Anybody ..??
Answer by Who wants to know
Besides the obviously about the architecture and food, hotel has bellboys to carry luggage for you. Also they have restaurant inside, better room service, better room (size wise), more expensive, most of the time is cleaner etc..
Motel is for people who don’t care about all of those thing. People who have affairs (just kidding) People who only need one night to crash..
Motel can be a chain or franchise mostly operate domestically. Hotel is also a chain or franchise and can manage by a corporation like Hilton Hotel Corporation or Hyatt Hotel Corporation etc.. They also operate domestically as well internationally. In 2006, Hilton Hotels Corporation became a global force with more than 2,800 hotels in more than 80 countries throughout the world.
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