David: What tax do you hate or think is the most unfairest of them all?
I think it is the Personal Property Tax that some states do. You know paying taxs yearly on the boat, car, atv, seadoo, etc… I mean I already paid sales tax why do this junk?
Answers and Views:
Answer by PepsiLime
I’d say the Alt-Min tax. Congress never updates it, so it snags more and more people each year that the Alt-Min tax was never intended to snag.
Answer by Mathew
The Alt-min tax is rather unfair because it has not been adjusted for inflation. It no longer accomplishes it’s original purpose but does reach into the pocket of lots of people.
Answer by kat
Property tax. I know people who pay $ 16,000 a year on a tiny house on tiny property in a working class town. Some first time homebuyers can’t afford to buy, not because the price of the house is too high, but because the propery tax puts it out of their reach!
Answer by brewer_engineer
Under our current system, the working middle class will always pay the bulk of governmental costs. The rich have many loopholes, and the cost doesn’t matter as much. The poor have little money to pay.
I believe a more equitable system would be to impose State and National sales taxes on all goods. A lower tax on food items would be helpfull here. Make this tax a flat rate (hell, even upwards of 20% and I’d be happy). Make the tax on food items 2%.
Consumers would then pay all of government’s costs. Those that purchase more goods would pay more. Those that purchase less goods would pay less. No loopholes.
Funny, this type of system might make more people save more money for retirement, instead of constantly spending.
Answer by mumof4_2002
In PA we have the Death Tax…someone try explaining that one to me.
Answer by CompLLC
The Alternative Minimum Tax is never adjusted for inflation and snags people who are not in the high wealth categories but in the Upper/High wealth categories. Also, the federal and state tax systems should be overhauled with a National and State sales taxes to replace our current (corrupt) tax system.
Answer by little miss
I agree it is the personal property tax that I have to pay yearly. I pay it over and over on the same items. I rhink when i buy the item and pay taxes then that should be enough. Personal items bought in other states I lived in have to be declared in my current state of residence.
Some items I have long enough that I’m paying more the original cost for taxes each year. Can’t the states find a better way of getting our hard-earned money?
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