I’d Give My Life For Doritos: What kind of sexual relationship do you think married serial sexual murders had with their wives?
Take for instance the BTK killer, or the Green River Killer… both married men who’s wives had no idea what they were doing for all those years. Yet both being serial killers sexual motives underlying, I wonder what the dynamic of the sex life at home was like… Not enough maybe? Would those men have been afraid to express some desires to their wifes that may have satisfied their need to go out and seek victims? Maybe their wife wouldn’t do something, or just innocently didn’t know because he never said anything.
Answers and Views:
Answer by Barcode
I never really thought about that. I worry more about my rent & car payments coming due each month.
Huh…you don’t often hear about the married whackos…it’s usually the real Ed Gein- Buffalo Bob type misanthropes that come to mind when I think “serial killer”, though of course there’ve been plenty with wives…even a few who collaborated with the Old Lady. Brrrr. It’s creepy to think about, isn’t it? Especially when the unsuspecting wives found out…seems there’d be some guilt for not catching on somehow.
Clearly it’s possible, but none of MY wives allowed me more than maybe an hour at a time without verifying my whereabouts, which put a pretty serious damper on my nefarious creepin’-about time. On the other hand, none of them bothered much with cooking, so maybe I could’ve got away with eating somebody now and then (No thanks, Dear, not another bite…I’m stuffed!).
Answer by KaylorAnnRough Sex hahaAnswer by Chelseigh
The sickening thing about serial killers is their ability to switch themselves from two different aspects of their lives – that being their regular lives, and their separate lives as despicable killers. Lots of these people were able to have families (though ‘good’ may be debateable) because of their ability to entirely separate themselves from murder and home.
Actually, Gary Ridgway (Green River Killer) married his second wife and loved how docile she was, and how she was willing to give into his sexual demands. Later interviews, she stated how later on in their relationship (a little bit after he started killing) he liked sneaking up on her, scaring her, and grabbing her neck (and choking her) during sex. But even her willingness wasn’t enough to satisfy him… so I while your theory is interesting, it doesn’t necessarily hold true.
The issue with men like these is their disturbing sexual desires that generally involve sex intermingled with extreme amounts of violence. What would get them off is forcing the last breath of life out of somebody (since both of your examples used stragulation as their MO). So… no matter what their wives could have done (besides get them locked away or something), they probably would have indulged regardless.
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