Kujo: What is the best brand for a laptop that is reasonably priced?
I am a high school student in search of a laptop. I’ve seen many laptops in ads for best buy and other stores that are under $ 1000. Some of them are as low as $ 600. I was wondering, for my purposes, would one of these laptops be good enough? Also, in 2 years when I go to college, will this laptop still be good enough? Finally, I was hoping to find a colored laptop, preferably red. The only one I’ve really seen so far is the sony vaio, which is way out of my price range. Any suggestions?
Answers and Views:
Answer by James Uloth
I’m happy with my gateway. If your going to use it in college it’s nice to get one with at least 1gb of Ram, so you can operate more than one program at once.
Answer by Tinka
I bought a Toshiba Satellite last year before I started college and only paid 499.00 for it plus I upgraded the memory for like 70 bucks or something along those lines. I would go with Toshiba they dont have colored ones in this price range but I love my laptop works perfect and everything still is going good. good luck! Or try ebay if you have to have that red one
Answer by chharsha
try the new dell models which are red in color.
personally i like HP
Answer by kalamazoochick027
Dells are very good. They have a new laptop that comes in different colors. It starts at $ 699 I would order it directly from
Dell then if there are specific things you want you can get them built on in the beginning. You also can get skins to go over your laptop. They are stickers to put on over it to help protect it. You can even download a picture to use as your skin if you want to. Go here:
I hope this helps!
Answer by sissybug
Go to walmart. They have Dell, Toshiba, HP and are all reasonably priced.
Answer by steven25t
well, check Dell because they make custom designed laptops.
google laptops. and if you see addy that would be too good to be truth call them
Answer by big_john200417
Gateway’s are great computers for a reasonable price. I would recommend looking on tigerdirect.com for a gateway laptop, you can get one there from 400 dollars just as good as what you would get at best buy. Yes your computer will still be good enough, I bought my gateway when i was a senior highschool, i graduated in 04, and am starting my second year this fall and my computer is still great, even runs the new windows vista.
Answer by lueeluee
Dell makes 8 color choices on the Inspiron. Very popular with great reviews.
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