Harald: What exactly is the law that states a business has to give you an application?
I hear from a lot of people that if you go to a business and ask for an application and they refuse that that’s against the law. By Law they have to give you an application whether they’re hiring or not and they have to keep it on file for 6 months. I’d like to see the exact law that states that. I tried looking on the California employment and regulations site, but it’s a real mess and hard to find anything in there. I’m hoping someone here can state the exact law.
Answers and Views:
Answer by rwa000
you can’t find it because it is one of those urban myths, you know like it is illegal to give bad references, like that
Answer by Stephen T
That law doesn’t exist. What the law says is that it is against the law to refuse to take an application when hiring for a specific position.
Answer by michr
there is no such law
there is no law that even requires the use of applications.
an application is a form used by the employer to help them gather information. there are laws on how an application is used if the employer has chosen to use them but no law requiring their use.
Answer by Aaron
Their is no such law. The only law that is close to what your saying is that you have a right to go to a business and ask for a applications if they are hiring. They can’t say oh no we can’t give you it cuz your not our type. Or flat out no. Even if lets say your a highschool student and applying for a engineering job. Even though the highschool kid has no college degrees in engineering the business can’t refuse to give him an application for the job.
By law you can’t refuse someone even unqualified to apply for a open job at a business. It is called the equal employment opportunity act. I am not sure if it’s a state statue or a federal one.
That is the only law their is… what your hearing is wrong. If a business is not looking for anyone they don’t have to give applications to everyone even though they have no job offering.
So who ever told you about what your asking is mainly confused and didn’t fully understand the equal unemployment opportunity act.
The act forces all business that they must allow anyone to take a application to any job your offering even if the person is unqualified. Which means everyone has a fair chance of trying to get the job.
If your unqualified for the job you will be filtered out at the application part.
Answer by Judy
You heard wrong – there is no such law. A lot of people just make stuff up – sounds like your “lot of people” you heard this from are in that group.
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