: Why do teenagers add that they are a teenager to stuff or their age?
I see it on youtube and on here a lot. For example, someone leaves a comment I like this old rock song and I’m a teenager or I’m only 14. What is the purpose of that? People cant have a wide variety of interests? Or is it a shock value thing?
Btw us older people arent shocked, we can like different things. Your only making yourself sound annoying please stop.
Answers and Views:
Answer by Lornoth
I don’t really know, and i’m 16.
because they want to feel unique………………………………….Answer by JUDAS IS THE DEMON I CLING TO †
ya I’ve noticed that alot it gets on my nerves. I’m personally a teen to (sorry) but you don’t see my broadcasting that to ppl on youtube it’s prettu much pointlessAnswer by Jess xD
So who caresAnswer by HerAFROness96
The only time I include my age on anything (well besides facebook because thats acceptable) is when I’m asking a question here on yahoo about college so they can get an idea of where I’m at in my mindset/thinking or so they know to speak in lame mans terms. But I feel ya on that, it annoys me too. I remember I was on YouTube listening to one of my favorite songs by 112 (“Cupid”) and some kids like ” I’m only 15 but I love this song” seriously? Woopty friggin dooo, you have good taste in music, who cares?! I think they just like to feel special.
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