varsity282: stocks??????
i’m 14 and i want to invest some money (make it grow) how much money should i have to buy stocks and which stocks have low risks?
I’m a beginner please tell me everything there is to know about stocks.
Answers and Views:
Answer by arkleseizure
Search your library or Amazon for some books on investing. Definitely read A Random Walk Down Wall Street by Burton Malkiel.
Just make sure you do some reading (and not rely on the information from some random strangers here on stock trading) BEFORE committing any money.
Answer by Greg S
Right now just try to save money, as much as you can in a high interest savings account. There are lots of online resources where you can paper trade (virtual stock trading) and get info on stocks in general. Before you even think about investing you should have at least $ 3,000 in savings.
Is one that I would recommend
Answer by jsda_man
greg ur wrong. im 15 and started with $ 1000. now $ 6,800 since July 18 . although ive packed away about $ 4000. but ive made 23% ytd in 3 months.
1) how much cash do u have?
2) do you get allowance, have a job, or do odd jobs?
3)are you prepared to actually read a few books and follow a fake stock market on a virtual trading website for a few months?
i say u need $ 1000 minimum, if ur really good at it maybe $ 500. The only reason ive made so much is because its pretty much all i do.
Answer by yulianto ?
I think you need to learn alot about stock. See
Answer by Frank Castle
$ 650.00 USD If you want to buy Google.
$ 30.00 USD If you want to buy Microsoft.
Answer by mike f
if your a beginner, you should check what score the stock got at
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