: how come blue states have such low black populations compared to “racist” red states?
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Answer by Try
Maybe if the blue states had more blacks they would get sick of them on welfare and free government assistance programs.
Answer by The Commie Basher
Your gone make their heads explode.
Answer by Crockoduck
Because many of the black people living in the South come from families that have lived there since the days of slavery.
Answer by scottso360
blue states appear to have more latinos
it takes a lot of suffering to get people to migrate
Answer by Ted
Damn it…you uncovered the secret liberal plan….we practice apartheid in blue states and restrict movement of colored folks. Maybe it’s because a lot of Blacks have historical roots in the South, which is mostly Republican today?
Answer by thor_torkinsen
Look at the Meccas where the uber liberals live. Sonoma County, Oregon, Manhatten…they are the whitest demographics in the country. I have a problem with white people who play Where’s Waldo looking for racists. They have never experienced racism firsthand and I doubt the sincerity of their offense over the issue.
Answer by Rational Ape
Wow you really are stupid
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