: How man can get orgasm faster during sex and have a longer erection? So i just stopped using SSRI medication, and im having problems still having an orgasm. Im a male. And also, sometimes i lose my erection for no reason. This sucks! Should i do some penis exercises or what? The SSRI ruined everything. Answers and Views: Answer by Dr … [Read more...] about How man can get orgasm faster during sex and have a longer erection?
What are the symptoms of pregnancy within the first five days after coitus.?
diky: What are the symptoms of pregnancy within the first five days after coitus.? Answers and Views: Answer by iscan12345There are generally no symptons at this stage, if there is any it is only psychological. Answer by Jennifer GUnfortunately, at this stage, there really is no way to tell if you are pregnant or not. For me, with each … [Read more...] about What are the symptoms of pregnancy within the first five days after coitus.?
How is sexual attractiveness seen by the opposite sexes and society?
Apache: How is sexual attractiveness seen by the opposite sexes and society? Where is the line drawn at sexual attractiveness? Why does pronography and hookers and exist? And is there such thing as balance in sexuality? Answers and Views: Answer by Caolan C"Hookers" aka prostitution exists because it is the oldest profession in history and is … [Read more...] about How is sexual attractiveness seen by the opposite sexes and society?
Looking for a French phrase that approximately means “caught mid coitus”?
nicknackpattywack: Looking for a French phrase that approximately means "caught mid coitus"? I know there is a French phrase that is used by English speakers for "caught in the act." A euphemism for walking on two people having sex. Know what it is? Thanks. not coitus interruptus, but that would be correct. I heard this used on Veronica … [Read more...] about Looking for a French phrase that approximately means “caught mid coitus”?
What’s a tastefull way to seduce a female co-worker?
Mike: What's a tastefull way to seduce a female co-worker? I have this female co-worker who is very friendly with me. I don't know how to flirt let alone know how to seduce. Women any suggestions on how to do that without getting too obvious or needy? Plus it has to be done in good taste as to not get a sexual harassment complaint! Any tips or … [Read more...] about What’s a tastefull way to seduce a female co-worker?
What are the consequences of having sex in a public place?
xJounetsu87x: What are the consequences of having sex in a public place? In California, if you get caught by the police having sex in public at night, what are the consequences? Will you get arrested? Is it true you would have to register as a sex offender? Answers and Views: Answer by 'No. The police may want to join in on said act, hope … [Read more...] about What are the consequences of having sex in a public place?
Why do I have this strange Clitoral Pain?
Jessica: Why do I have this strange Clitoral Pain? I am just wondering about this strange pain I have on my clitoris. I am sexually active. I have had this pain for about half a year. It hurts with the slightest touch in a specific spot on my clitoris. I know I should have goten this checked out by a doctor earlier but I will do it this week. I … [Read more...] about Why do I have this strange Clitoral Pain?