Anonymous: Is it possible to break your clitoris? Kind of a dumb question, but is it possible to touch your clitoris so much that it disconnects from the "hood" and doesn't work anymore. Answers and Views: Answer by BurtonSBGurlNo Answer by theghostofcleopatraNope, I don't think so. If it did break, then that's like.. impossible.Answer by … [Read more...] about Is it possible to break your clitoris?
How to control orgasm to prevent myself from masturbation?
Sdfdfj Kudisfuk: How to control orgasm to prevent myself from masturbation? I've tried exercising, working out and trying to take my mind off it but my mind just keeps wanting to do it whenever I'm feeling orgasm. I don't want to do it but I can't prevent my mind and body for it. Answers and Views: Answer by Shahzad Z IqbalWell I guess … [Read more...] about How to control orgasm to prevent myself from masturbation?
What about your first “love” makes then such a pain to forget?
Annonymousperson: What about your first "love" makes then such a pain to forget? First real girlfriend. I was with her for over a 15 months. We fought all the time and have brought each other to the brink of jumping off a bridge more then once. I remember more hurt then good usually. We have been broken up for a year. Havent talked for a month. I … [Read more...] about What about your first “love” makes then such a pain to forget?
What does menstruation have to do with clitoral sensitivity?
Due Oct 24, 2010 w/ love #1: What does menstruation have to do with clitoral sensitivity? My husband and I were having sex today, and whenever he touched my clitoris it felt like he was rubbing it as hard as he could. He said he was barely touching it. The first day of my last menstrual period was the 17th of January. Does clitoral sensitivity … [Read more...] about What does menstruation have to do with clitoral sensitivity?
What could cause chronic dry orgasm in a 22 year old male?
garyshox: What could cause chronic dry orgasm in a 22 year old male? I'm 22, healthy, but when I orgasm there's no semen or very little. I'm not taking medications and there's no pain during orgasm. The doctor said it doesn't seem like hypogonadism, my serum testosterone level is normal, and urine after orgasm is not cloudy. What could be causing … [Read more...] about What could cause chronic dry orgasm in a 22 year old male?
What is the biological function of a female orgasm?
Diddle: What is the biological purpose of a female orgasm? The purpose of the male orgasm to expell semen is obvious, but why does females have orgasms? (in a biological sense). Naturally, of course they deserve the same pleasures as men. Would females maybe otherwise don’t let males near them if there is no “benefit” in doing so? Answers and … [Read more...] about What is the biological function of a female orgasm?
do you believe in waiting til marriage to “make love”?
★Lanie★: do you believe in waiting til marriage to "make love"? if not, why? Answers and Views: Answer by Ireneyes i do Answer by Blue OceanYes.Answer by * * *no. humans are programmed with animalistic instincts. its only natural to crave the opposite sex and be turned may be a sin but this is how we were made and there is no harm in … [Read more...] about do you believe in waiting til marriage to “make love”?