Jessica: Is it possible to damage the clitoris by mastubrating? The reason I ask is because I am a virgin and I am scared that I may have damaged my clitoris by masturbating (ie: rubbing on things). The sensation isn't as good as it used to be and it just looks like maybe I rubbed some of it off if that's even possible. Also the skin to the left … [Read more...] about Is it possible to damage the clitoris by mastubrating?
How can I introduce my wife to a extremely beautiful lesbian woman?
Pain_of_Unhappiness2: How can I introduce my wife to a extremely beautiful lesbian woman? How can I break the ice here. There is this particular lesbian that seeks new female friends,but how could I do this-without my wife getting all upset? Thanks Answers and Views: Answer by david uYou have already answered your own question. … [Read more...] about How can I introduce my wife to a extremely beautiful lesbian woman?
How to convince my wife to put the baby up for adoption?
: How to convince my wife to put the baby up for adoption? My wife gave birth 2 weeks ago to a girl. We already have 1 girl, 1 more than we already need. I would have much preferred this baby to be a boy. We have 5 boys that I love dearly, and the one brat girl we're stuck with, we don't need 2. I hate this new baby and want her out of my house. … [Read more...] about How to convince my wife to put the baby up for adoption?
What would you think of a father that used an oven timer for spanking ?
Flapper Girl: What would you think of a father that used an oven timer for spanking ? I read about a father that would set an oven timer for two to ten minutes depending on the offense and spanked until it went off. The child was around 12 years old. I thought it was disgusting. Answers and Views: Answer by Audrianathats is disgusting and … [Read more...] about What would you think of a father that used an oven timer for spanking ?
whats tha difference between “Making Love” and “effing”?
Who Let Tha Stank Out?: whats tha difference between "Making Love" and "effing"? i gotsta know!!!!!! Answers and Views: Answer by Summerlove.the are both the same, arent they? Answer by WunFreshWHen you're effing, you're not putting any emotion into it or caring if your partner is being pleased; you're effing away for the sake of your own … [Read more...] about whats tha difference between “Making Love” and “effing”?
What muscles are toned during an orgasm?
Kitty: What muscles are toned during an orgasm? What muscles, if any, are toned when you orgasm? Is it your PC muscles or other/additional ones? This is concerning the female orgasm. Answers and Views: Answer by Converse CrazyPelvic muscles. Answer by ebonii_cuteeelol I'm not too sure if there is 'toning' happening, but maybe! Yes, it is … [Read more...] about What muscles are toned during an orgasm?
Why is it we “fall in love” and marry people when other animals shag anyone?
Hannah: Why is it we "fall in love" and marry people when other animals shag anyone? i mean like, male animals have sex with many female animals of the same species when we normally "fall in love" and marry someone and spend the rest of our lives with them. It's abit strange don't you think? Also i know most people have sex with many people … [Read more...] about Why is it we “fall in love” and marry people when other animals shag anyone?