F-Bomb: How is Obama a liberal if he pursues the same policies as Ronald Reagan? Obama care is basically a rehashing of a Heritage Foundation plan the Republicans offered to counter HillaryCare. Obama's record clearly paints him as a mainstream Republican from the 80s. Yet this is socialism now? Answers and Views: Answer by DallasBecause … [Read more...] about How is Obama a liberal if he pursues the same policies as Ronald Reagan?
Is Obama making good decisions from the start?
Mercer: Is Obama making good decisions from the start? Is there any decisions that are not good that Obama has made so far? Do you support the stimulus package Obama wants passed? Thanks! Answers and Views: Answer by HEAD M&M IN CHARGEonly thing i seen he is good at is denouncing things that can stick to him Answer by … [Read more...] about Is Obama making good decisions from the start?
How are Obama’s policy proposals different from Jimmy Carter’s failed stagflation proposals?
julio_slsc: How are Obama's policy proposals different from Jimmy Carter's failed stagflation proposals? Both Jimmy Carter and Barack Obama favor central planning. For Carter, this resulted in stagflation, high interest rates and zero growth. If Obama does the same, why will he get different results? Interesting, no Obamaniacs have anything to … [Read more...] about How are Obama’s policy proposals different from Jimmy Carter’s failed stagflation proposals?
Will Obama only start taking credit for the situation when it gets better?
nepalmertx: Will Obama only start taking credit for the situation when it gets better? Obama has been making a ton of changes over the last 3 months. I think its time that people start realizing the effects of what is going on right now are because of the decisions he is making. Answers and Views: Answer by Mrs. Limbaughfalse! Answer by … [Read more...] about Will Obama only start taking credit for the situation when it gets better?
frankfarter!: obama?????? who thinks the republicans are secretly pushing for obama because they think hillary will be a force to reckon with? i was speaking with someone to day and they think if obama get's the nomination it will be much easier to tear him down as oppose to hillary... what do you think?? it's interesting to hear different point … [Read more...] about obama??????
Why did Obama choose to associate with Bill Ayers when he launched his senatorial campaign?
bob: Why did Obama choose to associate with Bill Ayers when he launched his senatorial campaign? Was Bill Ayers prominent in community or party leadership? Did he have resources to help Obama run? Why would Obama rely on any advice Ayers' would have to offer? Why does Ayers and the Weathermen Underground believe in using violence? Answers and … [Read more...] about Why did Obama choose to associate with Bill Ayers when he launched his senatorial campaign?
Is Obama really going to make teens do 50+ Hours of community service a year?
Jason: Is Obama really going to make teens do 50+ Hours of community service a year? I skimmed through debates on why and why not Obama/Mccain should be president. Somewhere I read Obama will make Middle/High School Students do 50+ hours of community service a year. Is this true or false? Sounds like a retarded idea too me. Some kids, more as of … [Read more...] about Is Obama really going to make teens do 50+ Hours of community service a year?