Rick31: Does it seem to you that Obama takes a lot of vacations and who pays?
I guess the Clinton’s always went to Martha’s Vineyard and the Bush’s went to the ranch, but it seems Obama takes a lot of vacations to exotic locales that the average American can’t afford. I wonder if he takes them courtesy of the taxpayers.
Answers and Views:
Answer by Unka Dano
lol, Bush was the most vacationing president ever.
All my lifetime tax dollars shall go to Obamas vacations.
All hail my lord and savior Obama.
Answer by bluechristy7You must be confused . It was Bush that took the vacations . I think bush was on one of his many vacations when 9/11 occurred .Answer by libs, almost as smart as lint
In 2012 we’ll send him on vacation permanently.Answer by Drayak
Yes, the taxpayer pays for his and his families vacations (Hawaii, Africa, Europe, now the National Parks in the West).Answer by mikea109
Obama’s a big spender, we all know that. I wonder though, if he’s actually ever reached into his own wallet for these little perks he enjoys?
Reaching into ones own war chest isn’t exactly the same as paying for it out of your own pocket.
Answer by William TConsidering we’re just on the heels of the president with the record for the most days off as president, it sure doesn’t seem like much. As for going around the world during the beginning of his presidency, that was work. He was going around apologizing for the last eight years of American foreign policy.Answer by Ralph
Bush took more vacations than any other President in history. Obama is paying for his own rental on the Vineyard.Answer by Bill G
A lot of times Obama just takes a day or so off while on a real trip which isn’t unusual.
What galls me is flying Chewie all over hell for romantic getaways in Paris or shopping in London or plays in New York at taxpayer expense.
Answer by EdvadoExotic like Arizona?
Everywhere else he’s gone, he’s met with the other country’s leaders trying to share help in repairing the world’s economy.
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