imunalia: Why do American politics dredge up people from someones past to disqualify them?
Ok, so we have all associated with an unsavory character in our past. Does that condemn us? Or once it is proven we do not associate with them anymore shouldn’t the case be dropped? By the way McCain does politics nobody should be eligible for president.
Answers and Views:
Answer by qextor
Unfortunately, very few people think logically that way. People think in terms of groups. If you support X, that is good enough for most others who support X, irrespectable of anything else about you.
They know they’ve lost so they are grasping-at-straws, which means try anything… as the boat sinks!Answer by jccbriwern
There is a big difference between having an old friend who got busted for coke, or having an business partner who cheated on his wife as opposed to spending most of your adult life hanging around with and doing business with an unapologetic domestic terrorist who is the leader of the American communist party and has stated in the past couple years that he is an anarchist. That makes for a significant issue when you are trying to be the leader of the free world.
What’s the big deal it’s not like he shared an address with the guy right? Oh he did?
If you want to pull the lever with blinders on that’s fine but don’t even act like it’s an unwarranted issue. The man is trying to be elected to the highest office in the world (arguably) and has spent most of his adult life working with the public enemy and trading ideas and business with the man. If you want to buy that crap that he was “On a board together in 2001” that’s BS he held his political coming out party at the mans house. He shared a business address with the man for 2 years for crying out loud. The man bombed federal buildings killing people and started a communist movement all while trashing America and he is CURRENTLY friends with one of the men running for the President of The United States. That means nothing to you? No big deal? McCain’s being out of line? That’s scary.
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