TROLLeys are fun to ride: Spiritually speaking, when Jonah was living inside the whale, did the whale copulate/engage in coitus? that would have been really awkward. imagine trying to sleep when a penis the size of a small car is getting action just meters from your head. (im referring the biblical story of course) Answers and Views: Answer … [Read more...] about Spiritually speaking, when Jonah was living inside the whale, did the whale copulate/engage in coitus?
What’s the difference between atheism and buddhism?
Tony: What's the difference between atheism and buddhism? As a Christian man, I like to find out all I can about what others believe (or don't believe). I already understand atheists. But now I'm researching Buddhism and it just seems like atheism to me. Is this true? If not, what are the differences? Answers and Views: Answer by No Chance … [Read more...] about What’s the difference between atheism and buddhism?
How long until the world views modern religions in the same light as ancient roman/greek religions?
- Justin -: How long until the world views modern religions in the same light as ancient roman/greek religions? Romans back in the day believed just as strongly in their religion as any christian/jew/muslim believes in theirs today, and yet we view their religion as mythical nonsense. Could same thing happen to our modern religions? Is it … [Read more...] about How long until the world views modern religions in the same light as ancient roman/greek religions?
Bible ? ? ?
^TRZT^: Bible ? ? ? Hi, The reason I am asking this question is because I am not a very religious person and I do not come from a religious background. I am not looking for a religion I would just like to educate myself a bit more. I was looking to start with the Christian Bible that contains both the old and new testaments Is this a good way to … [Read more...] about Bible ? ? ?
Did those stereotypes and tainted words about islam really work?
Alyas (FrmYmn): Did those stereotypes and tainted words about islam really work? Rationally speaking, What did the islamophobics achieve by all the media stereotypes to taint muslims and their religion? Did they really achieve anything out of it? The truth speaks for itself and the statistics say that more people are actually converting to … [Read more...] about Did those stereotypes and tainted words about islam really work?
Does a fiancee visa exist in the States if you want to marry someone?
Street Car: Does a fiancee visa exist in the States if you want to marry someone? Let's say you want to marry someone who is from another country. Can you get that person there on a fiancee visa and later marry? And if yes, how long is the fiancee visa valid for? I heard that in Europe people can get their spouses there on a fiancee visa, but … [Read more...] about Does a fiancee visa exist in the States if you want to marry someone?
What verses in the Bible are about having a strong work ethic?
Mrs. Spock: What verses in the Bible are about having a strong work ethic? I need to tell a teen boy that he has to strive to get the best grades possible. He says that his ACT scores are the only thing that count. Let's say that's true. What Bible verses address doing well in school as being important in and of itself not just to get into college … [Read more...] about What verses in the Bible are about having a strong work ethic?