rxbndt2003: What are the laws about someone parking in front of your house? I'm sure every state has it's own laws (I'm in Arizona by the way), but what are the general laws about this? Someone keeps parking in front of my house and they block in some of my roomates and also park right in front of our trash cans so they can't be picked up. It's … [Read more...] about What are the laws about someone parking in front of your house?
How do you learn to understand and appreciate literature?
La'Sarah: How do you learn to understand and appreciate literature? For example, how do you know when you read a dense novel like "War and Peace" or "Swann's Way" that you are actually understanding it, and all the finer points and connections? How old do you think someone has to be to understand some of the tougher literature? Do you think it's … [Read more...] about How do you learn to understand and appreciate literature?
What are 50 modern ways to leave your lover?
Chunky Munky: What are 50 modern ways to leave your lover? Paul Simon released 50 ways to leave your lover in the 70's. A lot has changed since then. His list of ways to dump a lover is dated. How do you abruptly end a relationship? Feel free to reference historical, cultural and technological changes. Answers and Views: Answer by … [Read more...] about What are 50 modern ways to leave your lover?
What are the laws dealing with child porn?
Jennifer: What are the laws dealing with child porn? I'm planning to do a speech on child pornography. I want to know what the laws are dealing with child porn. Also, I would like to know how much time a person serves inn jail if he is caught with child porn in his possession. Thanks. Answers and Views: Answer by I MUST KNOW!I wish I knew. … [Read more...] about What are the laws dealing with child porn?
What is science’s purpose once they’ve found the answers to their questions?
Greywolf: What is science's purpose once they've found the answers to their questions? Science investigates, examines, and classifies for the purpose of understanding things. But does it have some mission statement on what it's supposed to do with the info it discovers? Answers and Views: Answer by lindajuneScience isn't a person or a … [Read more...] about What is science’s purpose once they’ve found the answers to their questions?
What differentiates islam from other religions?
bLankH: What do you think differentiates islam from other religions? Salam everyone What's the thing that makes you believe that islam is the one true religion? Answers and Views: Answer by just curiousAll religion is false. God is imaginary. What singles out Muslims though, is that they are still living in the Dark Ages … [Read more...] about What differentiates islam from other religions?
When will international students learn that Australia is NOT a racist country?
GayHomoSapien: When will international students learn that Australia is NOT a racist country? Ok, I find it very ironic how international students accuse Australia of being a 'racist' nation, when the Australian government is making great efforts to give international students appropriate accommodation in Australia. Of course, I have more points … [Read more...] about When will international students learn that Australia is NOT a racist country?