Jennifer: What are the laws dealing with child porn?
I’m planning to do a speech on child pornography. I want to know what the laws are dealing with child porn. Also, I would like to know how much time a person serves inn jail if he is caught with child porn in his possession. Thanks.
Answers and Views:
Answer by I MUST KNOW!
I wish I knew.
It should be a one way spaceflight to the sun.
Answer by luis n
Eww child porn???porn itself was evil what is this world coming to!!!!!:)
Answer by mitch t
I’m sure it varies by state. You may need to ask a local official. Personally, I think they need to be under the jail, but that’s just me.
Answer by bada_bing2k4
Hell yeah, can’t say it any better than Jupyter.
Answer by Sarah Elizabeth
Well all child porn is illegal,
but some “child” porn isn’t with real children, but adults who simply look younger (mostly really skinny 18 year olds that can pass for being eight).
I don’t think you can go to jail for just having child porn, unless you made it.
Errr, sorry, I know about sexual asault, not porn.
Answer by The Coolest Mommy Ever
tried googling it?
Answer by W W
United States code
TITLE 18 > PART I > CHAPTER 110 > § 2252A
Click the link below.
Answer by darkbeasthunter
The laws on child pornography are strict but unfortunatley not strict enough………personally the best answer should be as follows
$ 33,000 a month to keep an inmate fed and clothed and such in prison(Taxpayers Dollars)
$ 0.33 For a bullet you do the math
Answer by midnightmoon62
Issues to research:
Is it still child porn if it was shot using legal aged models and then edited to make them look younger?
Drawn or animated porn?
Real kids originally shot in perfectly legal acceptable forms later edited to be porn?
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