bLankH: What do you think differentiates islam from other religions?
Salam everyone
What’s the thing that makes you believe that islam is the one true religion?
Answers and Views:
Answer by just curious
All religion is false. God is imaginary.
What singles out Muslims though, is that they are still living in the Dark Ages LITERALLY.
Answer by perfume is here!
this is what differentiates Islam from other religions. The best speech a leader could give. (I have only given part of it)
O People, it is true that you have certain rights over your women, but they also have rights over you. Remember that you have taken them as your wives only under God’s trust and with His permission. If they abide by your right then to them belongs the right to be fed and clothed in kindness. Treat your women well and be kind to them, for they are your partners and committed helpers. It is your right and they do not make friends with anyone of whom you do not approve, as well as never to be unchaste…
O People, listen to me in earnest, worship God (The One Creator of the Universe), perform your five daily prayers (Salah), fast during the month of Ramadan, and give your financial obligation (zakah) of your wealth. Perform Hajj if you can afford to.
All mankind is from Adam and Eve, an Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab nor a non-Arab has any superiority over an Arab; also a white has no superiority over a black nor a black has any superiority over white except by piety and good action. Learn that every Muslim is a brother to every Muslim and that the Muslims constitute one brotherhood. Nothing shall be legitimate to a Muslim which belongs to a fellow Muslim unless it was given freely and willingly. Do not, therefore, do injustice to yourselves.
Answer by ▐▀▀▼▀▀▌ ►MARS◄ ▐▄▄▲▄▄▌
The emphasis on the rights of other human beings. Islam is not just about worshiping God.
Answer by Gento D. Luffy
Islam is the only religion that tells us to look and learn about other religion, religionless, people, nation, earth, sea, space, history, science, mathematics, finance and more.
Answer by Mirza
Oneness of Allah, Unity and Equality among humans regardless of race, color or status.
Some Muslims follow the above some do not, hence the teachings are perfect and complete, but the followers are not good followers
Answer by MrGoodliker1
The first thing that one should know and clearly understand about Islam is what the word “Islam” itself means. The religion of Islam is not named after a person as in the case of Christianity which was named after Jesus Christ, Buddhism after Gotama Buddha, Confucianism after Confucius, and Marxism after Karl Marx. Nor was it named after a tribe like Judaism after the tribe of Judah and Hinduism after the Hindus.
Islam is the true religion of “Allah” and as such, its name represents the central principle of Allah’s “God’s” religion; the total submission to the will of Allah “God”. The Arabic word “Islam” means the submission or surrender of one’s will to the only true god worthy of worship “Allah” and anyone who does so is termed a “Muslim”, The word also implies “peace” which is the natural consequence of total submission to the will of Allah. Hence, it was not a new religion brought by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) I in Arabia in the seventh century, but only the true religion of Allah re-expressed in its final form.
1-simple message:GOD sent one message with different messengers for one purpose
2-holy book preserved in the original language without word change(no editions,alternations,…
3-holy book memorized from cover to cover by millions mostly are non arab
4-holy book challenge mankind to produce one chapter like it
5-holy book challenge mankind (those who think we came without creator) to produce a fly
6-holy book challenge mankind to find a contradiction in it
7-holy book in harmony with science and contain many scientific predictions
8-holy book many scientists agreed that it cant be except from GOD
9-holy book invites people to think and ask them to check evidences
10-holy book answer all our questions
Answer by Kells is a MAN!
The Islamic Tauhid.
No other religion has a Tauhid as Islam has.
You bow to only one God. You ask everything from only one God. You worship only one God.
This is the uniqueness of Islam. This is what differentiates Islam. There is nothing superior in Islam than Tauhid and there’s nothing superior in this world than the Islamic Tauhid.
Islamic Tauhid is what differentiates Islam from every religion
Answer by Saleem
Islam is a Practical Law.
Every Religion says We should not Rob But Islam Gives you the How People In the Society Cannot Rob
Islam has a unique system of Zakat Every Rich person who has the Savings more than NISAB level He/she should give it in Charity 2.5 percent of His savings every Lunar Month.
People Talk about Eradicating Poverty But Islam gives the Practical solution How To eradicate Poverty.
ISLam has a system that If a person Robs he/she his/her Hands should be cut off______
Many non-Muslims Say that How Merciless Religion is this Cutting Hands In this Modern Age………..
Its Barbaric ……….
But If we look closer and Anaysle
What’s happening in Developed countries or Developing Countries…….America, Austrlia,etc
They have Highest Roberry rates . How to stop it !
Can anyone provide better way .
Islam provides the Way in which people will not Rob, That Robber hands should be cut off, now, once people see that Law is strict
Then Before robbing a person will think Hundred Times ……..
Like this Robbry rate will eventually decrease,
Believe me There can be no beteer Law than This ……..
For Rapist Islam Says Capital Punishment.Again PEople ague that capital Punishment is Barbaric.
but When a women who was being Raped was Asked a question that What Would you want to be done with Rapist , then you know she said Bring me Infront of me and Burn Him and then I will be satisfied……
So all Religions Say Raping is Wrong But Islam Provides The Way How Raping Can be caontrolled.
And in all other aspects
In this way Islam is Different From all other Religions
Answer by Life Guru
The ease of verification, just one widely available look up book and you are done. No rite of passage, no central religious authorities, no priests or clerics. It is the ultimate do it yourself system of beliefs. Yes I know what you are thinking, just because professional Mullahs are laying a claim to authority does not mean they have been sanctioned with it. Beyond an individual’s faith, the only sanctioned body is the Ummah, the people. The collective laws only kick in when a group of Muslims decide to form a community and decide to be governed by the Quranic laws.
Answer by Ayu
you can’t believe if you just know from this, but my experience there’s something that reminds me if i did something wrong and i feel so comfortable when i come closer to Allah swt.
i’m sorry if my english is bad
Answer by Jesus Is Lord, Not a Muslim
It lacks the Golden Rule.
It openly calls for the killing and/or persecution of non-Muslims.
It’s political and not religious.
Answer by Amen
I’d suggest that all of you read the Bible, the Guru Granth Sahib, the Torah, the Tripitaka, the Vedas etc etc and compare the Qur’an before you claim that this is the “Perfect Book”.
Without having any knowledge of the many others, you cannot even say that A is better than B, leave alone say that C is “Perfect”.
What differentiates islam from all other religions?
For one thing, it’s the work of one, single, solitary man – Mohammad bin Abdullah al Muttailib al Hashim al Quraish who pretended to be Allah speaking through his lips.
Secondly, it’s the only Book that is full of nothing more than a long rant against the Disbelievers and the Hypocrites [Muslims who will not fight for the Jihad] and has 109 verses exhorting the Muslims to fight and kill all the Disbelievers and establish the Rule of Islam only in the World.
It’s a “Religion” based upon superstition and meaningless ritual which is self evident in the very prayer offered by the Muslims.
Is Islam the one true religion?
Absolutely not.
It doesn’t even come close to being a “Religion”.
It’s best described as a pseudo Christian Cult with a Totalitarian Ideology which will, in due course of time, force the rest of the World to get together and respond to the millennium and odd of insanity that it has unleashed upon the World from time to time.
When that day comes, which is drawing closer all the time, the Muslims will find out the hard way about what Islam brought them to.
Answer by Friday Moon
are you ignorant of HISTORY…
Islam has always had enemies like you, much worse than you.
and they always perish 🙂
Answer by Faith
Not much different to Judaism with all it’s traditional laws.
Islam is based on Arabic culture and Mohammad is is a prophet of the Arab people.
Every Religion profess that theirs is the one true Religion and that’s ok. The problem with Islam today is the rise of Islamic fanaticism in our time. This has changed Islam as we know it and is a threat to all rational thinking Muslims.
Answer by BPK
Yes, you are probably right. Islam is the one true religion – but it is not from God. Why do you ask such a pointed question from poor muslims? It is an embarrassment to them.
Answer by nish
for me from my heart this points were important
the god would have sent prophets to all people of the asia middle east , europe all society
and the concept of god should be same
when i studied islam it says the first prophet to be adam and last one to be muhammed(pbut)
also says god has sent more than 12000 prophets to earth
and there are verse in quran which says there is no civilization or a nation that god has not sent a prophet
so islam has a universal concept that did nt change
and about god all religions speaks about oneness of god
there are verses in quran bible, old testament, vedas of hindus ,zoronthism that god is only one
and in all scriptures its says there is no image of god or not to worship idols
and when looking the book only quran is unchanged .and its in orginal language
and there are prophecies of a messenger ..a last messenger to mankind
so for me its islam
Answer by muslimah
1- Islam does not compel me to accept all those matters the sum total of which is called Religion merely on authority, but furnishes convincing arguments in support of its doctrines. The existence of God and the nature of His attributes, angels, prayer and its effects, Divine decrees and their sphere, worship and its need, Divine Law and its benefits, revelation and its importance, resurrection and the life after death, heaven and hell — with regard to every one of these, Islam has given detailed explanations and has established their truth with strong arguments to the satisfaction of the human mind.
Islam, therefore, furnishes me not only with faith, but also with the certainty of knowledge which satisfies my intellect and compels it to admit the need of religion.
2-it does not base itself upon the experience of people who have passed away, but invites everybody to a personal experience of that which it teaches and guarantees. It claims that every truth can, in some manner or the other, be put to the test in this world, and it thus satisfies my reason.
3-it teaches that there can be no conflict between the word of God and the work of God, and thus resolves the supposed conflict between science and religion. It does not ask me to ignore the laws of nature and to believe in things which are contrary to them. On the contrary, it exhorts me to study the laws of nature and derive benefit from them. It teaches me that, as revelation comes from God and He also is the Creator of the universe, there can be no conflict between that which He does and that which He says. It invites me, therefore, in order to understand His revelation, to study His work, and in order to realize the significance of His work, to study His word, and thus satisfies my intellectual yearning.”
4- it does not seek to crush my natural desires but guides them along right channels. It does not, by altogether crushing my desires, reduce me to a stone; nor does it, by leaving them uncontrolled and unrestrained, reduce me to an animal, but, like an expert irrigation engineer who harnesses uncontrolled waters and makes them run into irrigation channels, thereby bringing prosperity to waste areas, it converts my natural desires by proper control and guidance into high moral qualities.”
It does not say to me: God has given you a loving heart but forbids you to select a life companion, or that He has endowed you with the sense of taste and the capacity to appreciate good food, but has forbidden you to eat such food. On the contrary, it teaches me to love in a pure and proper way which would ensure through my progeny the perpetuation of all my good resolves. It permits me to use good food, but within proper limits, lest I should eat my fill and my neighbor should go hungry. By thus converting my natural desires into high moral qualities, it satisfies my humanity.
5-it has dealt fairly and lovingly not only with me but with the whole world. It teaches me not to discharge my duties towards myself but insists upon my dealing fairly with every other person and thing, and has furnished me with proper guidance for this purpose.
For Instance, It draws attention to the rights of parents and the duties which children owe to their parents. It admonishes the children to behave obediently and tenderly toward their parents, and has made the latter heirs to that which the former may leave. On the other hand, it enjoins love and affection upon the parents for their children and imposes upon them the duty of bringing up their children well, training them in good qualities and looking after their health, and has also made them heirs to their parents
Answer by David
The following proper, logical and clear concept of God, which is not found in any other religions makes the great ‘difference’:
“Say: HE is Allah (God), the One and Only;
Allah, the Eternal, Absolute;
HE begets not, nor is HE begotten;
And there is none like unto HIM. (Al Quran, chapter 112 v 1-4)
“Allah”(God) is HE besides Who there is no other god, The Eternal, The Absolute. Neither slumber nor sleep seizes HIM. To HIM belongs all that exists in the Heavens and Earth. Who is there that can intercede in His presence, except as He permits. He sees all (as to what appears before, after and behind) His creatures. Nor shall they (the creatures) encompass of His knowledge, except as He wills. HIS throne does extend over the Heavens and the Earth, and HE feels no fatigue in guarding and preserving them for HE is the Most High and Supreme (in Glory). (Quran:Al-Baqarah 2 v 255).
Answer by Student Of Comparative Religion
IF you are seeking the truth then email the following people:
Shaikh Ismaeel on “”
Shaikh Uthaymeen on “”
Answer by Pϵμ`nXhμι `μμϵτXριcτoc
what differentiates it is the huge amount of ignored mistakes:
it’s an subjective website though
Answer by Replicant
This is not a question I can answer on this: one needs a lifetime of comparative study to see the differences. Key points are, however.
1) Al Qu’ran speaks directly to the individual.
2) Islam stresses direct link with Allah (swt).
3) From this, we believe if we submit to Allah (swt) that is the best and most peaceful way to live life.
Answer by Phoenix
Islamic concept of Tawheed absolute monotheism and sovereignty of Allah S.W.T
Answer by Idris Akbar
I can answer this question with endless words….but the main fact is that Islam has and IS remained the same religion for the past 1400 Years…not a single Word in the Holy Quran has changed…whereas the bible has 200 different manuscripts and none 2 are alike….
Some people may say that Christianity is all spread with love and Islam is spread with sword….no where in the quran does it say or mention “sword”, do you know how many times in the bible it was mentioned?, over 400 times…Jesus said that, Sell you coat and buy a sword….and when i told that to a Christian Scholar he said, when they were translating this, the people who were translating this were eating spaghetti and spilled it on the paper and made the S in Sword….so your telling me Jesus said Sell your coat and buy a word?….lies after lies.
Islam is always being Bombarded with all of these Pathetic Ideas…
Just the FACT that islam is the number 1 most growing religion in the world…should tell you that there is something special about this religion…
Hope this helped im gonna go eat some Spaghetti
Asalamualaikum (May Peace and Blessings Be Upon You)
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