-BrownEyedBeauty-: What are some significant problems affecting Libya's future? I need to do a write up on three main implications towards the country of Libya's future. Any one know any besides illegal immigration that I am already covering? Thanks! Answers and Views: Answer by Diva KIts Africa, what do you expect? … [Read more...] about What are some significant problems affecting Libya’s future?
Is the choice of world leaders to act militarily in Libya the start of World War III?
Scott: Is the choice of world leaders to act militarily in Libya the start of World War III? If NATO does to Libya what it did to Iraq and Afghanistan, I'm moving out of the country! I think I agree with Saint now. Mike W - Mhm, exactly. Let's not forget that Libya is located in a region that would be beneficial for countries like Spain, France, … [Read more...] about Is the choice of world leaders to act militarily in Libya the start of World War III?
When did establishing a no fly zone in Libya become an all out war against Gadhafi arsenal?
Caeruleus Vitrum: When did establishing a no fly zone in Libya become an all out war against Gadhafi arsenal? Libya's air force was wiped out 2 - 3 weeks ago. Nato is and has been taking out Libyan tanks and shelling troops. How can they expect Gadhafi to comply with UN resolutions when those that impose the resolutions break the UN charter … [Read more...] about When did establishing a no fly zone in Libya become an all out war against Gadhafi arsenal?
Is it risky for Western journalists covering the conflict in Libya to be based out of Tripoli?
Elias Alexander: Is it risky for Western journalists covering the conflict in Libya to be based out of Tripoli? The risk being that Qaddafi could kidnap them as they are from western countries and it is the west who are bombing Libya. Answers and Views: Answer by AndyIt's risky being a journalist in any war. Answer by Goldendoesn't even go … [Read more...] about Is it risky for Western journalists covering the conflict in Libya to be based out of Tripoli?
How can anybody keep up with the Republican stance on our involvement in Libya?
Mr Wolf (I block no one): How can anybody keep up with the Republican stance on our involvement in Libya? First Republicans criticized Obama for doing nothing in Libya. Then they said he took too long to get involved. Then they criticized him for turning over the lead to a French General/NATO. Now they are saying he is leading an illegal … [Read more...] about How can anybody keep up with the Republican stance on our involvement in Libya?
Who is involoved with the matter of libya?
Keeley Sisson: Who is involoved with the matter of libya? I just posted a question over I'm doing a paper on Libya I have to tell where Libya is which I already know. I have to know what is going on in Libya which I also now know. Now what I really need to know is three questions Who is involved with the matter of Libya? What had the United States … [Read more...] about Who is involoved with the matter of libya?
Will the earthquake and tsunami make news consumers forget about Libya?
sneezewhiz: Will the earthquake and tsunami make news consumers forget about Libya? Will the earthquake and tsunami make the news media and the internet message boards forget about Libya? If history is any indication, after the earthquake and tsunami news finishes up around Monday, we will see a Hollywood scandal, bigger than Charlie Sheen, and by … [Read more...] about Will the earthquake and tsunami make news consumers forget about Libya?