: How much does a tragus piercing hurt compared to an industrial piercing? I've had my industrial piercing done, and it hurt on a scale 1-10 about a 7 or 8. Whats that compared to a tragus piercing? Answers and Views: Answer by k a y l a :)i have my industial and tragus, industrial hurt WAY more. tragus was like a 3 or 4, IF that. it just … [Read more...] about How much does a tragus piercing hurt compared to an industrial piercing?
How do you tell the difference between fair skin and olive skin in those with lighter complexions?
fun_purple_beach: How do you tell the difference between fair skin and olive skin in those with lighter complexions? I've been told I have olive skin. I've also been told I have fair skin. I can't use any products typically for olive skin as they are usually too dark, yet pastel shades and ivory foundations don't work either. Could I have … [Read more...] about How do you tell the difference between fair skin and olive skin in those with lighter complexions?
what could happen to me (legally) if i gave someone MRSA via tattoo? plz help?
Dan: what could happen to me (legally) if i gave someone MRSA via tattoo? plz help? I am a self tough tattooer (via books, internet and talking to other artists), ive been tattooing somewhere around a year (around 80 tattoos all happy with the work) without any major issues, until recently. I always use disposable needles and tubes all the time, … [Read more...] about what could happen to me (legally) if i gave someone MRSA via tattoo? plz help?
How long do skin lighteners take to work?
bravo: How long do skin lighteners take to work? I have been using an over-the-counter skin lightener for about a week. At first, I thought I noticed results, but now my skin looks the same as before and the red spots are just as noticeable. It would be great to leave the house without putting on makeup. Answers and Views: Answer by … [Read more...] about How long do skin lighteners take to work?
First time tattooer needs help!?
Carly: First time tattooer needs help!? I'm getting my first tattoo and i'm stumped on the design. I want it across from my neck on the facade of my shoulder. i dont know if i want a white hibiscus flower or a crescent moon and star?(that's my religion's symbol). I also dont want to spend over $ 60. THANK YOU GUYS!! YOu'rre all totally right. I … [Read more...] about First time tattooer needs help!?
Tattoo artists, what does it take?
LovinLife: Tattoo artists, what does it take? Are there any tattoo artists out there that can help me and let me know what it takes to become a successful tattooer? And where I should start and such Answers and Views: Answer by Donniesaurous -.-'First of all you have to have raw talent, it would help to go to an art college. When you are 17, … [Read more...] about Tattoo artists, what does it take?
sexy_sponge34: Skin..................................? Ok so i have tried different types of products to get rid of my acne but nothing works... I have Mild acne not bad but noticeable. Please suggest any products that have worked for you or your friends! thank you so much! Answers and Views: Answer by JenanGo to a dermatologist and get a … [Read more...] about Skin…………………………….?