sometimes life gets you: Can somebody tell me about clitoral piercings? I want people who have had them done, or perform the procedure, to explain the downsides, upsides, the procedure itself, and the different types. Answers and Views: Answer by ReesePlease don't do it, the clitoris is very sensitive and can tear. U also become prone to a … [Read more...] about Can somebody tell me about clitoral piercings?
How to ask a tattoo apprentice to do my tattoo?
heartsandstars: How do I ask a tattoo apprentice to do my tattoo? I've heard that tattoo apprentices will do your tattoos for cheap/nothing because they need the experience. I'm broke, so I want an apprentice to cover up my small tattoo with a simple one. The only thing is, how do I call and ask for it?! What do I say? Answers and … [Read more...] about How to ask a tattoo apprentice to do my tattoo?
What is the Difference between a pinna piercing or cartilage piercing on an ear?
Kitty Kattt: What is the Difference between a pinna piercing or cartilage piercing on an ear? I'm thinking of getting my ear pierced this weekend and I'd like to get one in the top corner of my ear wear cartilage piercings usually are but, what is the difference between a Pinna piercing and a cartilage piercing? Answers and Views: Answer by … [Read more...] about What is the Difference between a pinna piercing or cartilage piercing on an ear?
What is a good skin treatment for dry skin & acne – thats also not to strong for sensitive skin?
forever21306: What is a good skin treatment for dry skin & acne - thats also not to strong for sensitive skin? I have a little bit of acne on my face I really want to get rid of. But I have really seinsitive skin. Everything I try from the store though is either too strong and causes dry skin, redness, irritation,etc or isnt strong enough. … [Read more...] about What is a good skin treatment for dry skin & acne – thats also not to strong for sensitive skin?
standardbred people..?
mindy r: standardbred people..? ok, have a running argument with a friend. do all standard breds have to be both tattoed and freezebranded in order to be registered? sounds simple but most standardbreds are born to race and to race they have to be at least tattoed but are both required, or what if you want to breed standardbreds for other … [Read more...] about standardbred people..?
How do I hide a tattoo or where is the best place to hide it?
Jamie: How do I hide a tattoo or where is the best place to hide it? I plan to get a tattoo but my dad don't approve of it and won't let me get one. I am 22 and capable of making this decision on my own and it's not going to be some stupid tattoo. I know that I'm going to have this tattoo for life so I have to make what I want as a tattoo that I … [Read more...] about How do I hide a tattoo or where is the best place to hide it?
How do i lighten my skin from sunburn and keep my skin healthy and clear?
Amihan: How do i lighten my skin from sunburn and keep my skin healthy and clear? My skin turned like 3 shades darker!Because I just realized my sunscreen actually is a tanner o.o and I now stopped using there any way how to naturally lighten my skin or any products in a store i can buy in Hawaii ie(Waipahu , Walmart, Longs).What SPF of … [Read more...] about How do i lighten my skin from sunburn and keep my skin healthy and clear?