I have a ps3 and it sucks: What would be a suitable piercing for a 13 year old? Im a 13 year old girl and I want another piercing. I already have my ear pierced on both ears once, and my cartilage pierced. Answers and Views: Answer by Alexpersonally i would just stick to the ears. its kinda trashy if you go any further then that. Answer by … [Read more...] about What would be a suitable piercing for a 13 year old?
Is a tattoo with a cross religious discrimination?
Jeff: Is a tattoo with a cross religious discrimination? I am looking into getting a tattoo in memory of my grandparents who were killed. The tattoo that i am looking at has a cross. I also am planning on entering the air force with hopes of becoming a fighter pilot. In the air force's tattoo policy it says that tattoos that display religious … [Read more...] about Is a tattoo with a cross religious discrimination?
SublimeCutie: tattoo????? hi im planning on getting a tattoo of a cupcake on my foot i take to pain pretty well but people scare me telling me about the pain is it really that bad??? plus ita my first one... yea a cupcake cuz im really girlie and i have a strange obsession with them if you knew me you would understand ;) Answers and … [Read more...] about tattoo?????
tattoo questions for tattooers?
Tralca: tattoo questions for tattooers? ok im interested in tattooing so here goz when tattooing my gun gave off alot of ink, ive seen otheres tattoo and it came off with almost none it that good or bad. if good how do i make minde "leak" less? also can the round tips also be used for lining or only for shading? please help graciazzzz Answers … [Read more...] about tattoo questions for tattooers?
1234....: skin...............................................? I'm 14 years old and the skin on my hand are really hard, i don't know why, also they have cuts and sometimes look purple..can someone tell me why?i think it must be because of the cold,but I'm not sure....and how can you stop this(make my hands feel normal again? Answers and … [Read more...] about skin………………………………………..?
How do you know if your skin will reject a piercing, before you get the actual piercing?
Hello: How do you know if your skin will reject a piercing, before you get the actual piercing? I want to get my belly pierced but i know some people who's piercing resulted badly because their belly rejected the piercing or something..? When you get your belly professionally pierced, do you have to provide a ring ? Does this matter what type of … [Read more...] about How do you know if your skin will reject a piercing, before you get the actual piercing?
Pauler Reired: Tattoo...? This is a picture of my fathers armband tattoo. He got it on his left arm. Im getting mine tomorrow and been planning the it for 2years now, i drew my own designe that i love, but i dont know which arm to get it on the left or right. I want it on the one that would show more like wen im talking to someone, or walking in … [Read more...] about Tattoo…?