Billy Bob: My Parents put on openDNS and I want to get rid of it. How?
I’m nineteen but I have younger siblings who don’t even know how to use the computer or even do so. I want to view the sites that are often blocked. Any help would be appreciated. Please don’t say, “Ask your parents.” Because I’ve tried that and they’re overly protective catholics who think rock and roll is bad.
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Answer by Hello Kitty
if your parents have an administrator account you need to go on that somehow and remove openDNS
I’m not a computer expert but I have an idea that might help you. If you like rock and roll listen to Air 1. Its a Christian music station but its its not total praise and worship music and has a lot of really good bands on it. If you don’t have a Air 1 station in your area you can listen online and I doubt its been blocked by your parents. I realize christian rock might not really be your thing but it might be a stepping stone to break the ice with them.
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