: Should I leave my husband? I have grown bored with him and found a new life partner?
Howdy, I really wanna leave my husband of 18 years for Ron, a metal speculum I found at a medical surplus supply store. Ron satisfies my every need better than hubby ever did. Should I leave my husband for a speculum? Your opinions?
Answers and Views:
Answer by GGBoy
If you think you should, then do it.
Answer by Pocketpussie
I’d be gone in a heart beat
Answer by Christian
No It would kill his heart but in the end it’s your choice but you did make a promese to him and he to you tell him that you want to do more things Ron is acting nice but once he got you how do you know if he will stay the same for 18 years
Answer by Dr. House
Answer by Self
good idea. go for it
Answer by THATDuDe
Answer by Deirdre
Don’t make any hasty decisions. But if your relationship with the new guy is sustainable then maybe. Life is about being happy. 18 years is a long time, people do grow apart. You did make a commitment to your husband but if he doesn’t fulfill you, you should talk to him about it first. Let him know what he could do to improve. If it just wont work with your husband then move on.
Answer by Softtouchmale
Well thinking about it, the speculum is there whether you’re married or not.
And frankly, the speculum is cheap to keep. So I’d say just keep playing with the speculum or maybe have a 3 some with your husband, the speculum and you.
Answer by eeniemeenie
lol…well, my ex husband had a girlfriend during our marriage, so I would certainly TRUST a speculum more….
Does everyone here understand that “Ron” is a medical device used in female examinations?
Answer by New York Chick
I think that Ron would be a welcome addition to any household. My Ex husband had an affair with Paula, I wish he would have picked someone like Ron in a female version. I’m sure I wouldn’t have contracted the STD that I got from Paula. Thanks Paula you skank!
Answer by ?
Of course you should and I hope Ron leaves you as soon as he finds somebody better.
And perhaps when your son and or daughter in laws find somebody better they will leave you son and or daughter.
Why commit yourself when we can all jump around like a buck of whores.
Answer by rage_against_the_obama99
Speculum will never go soft on you but it will never kiss you in that special spot neither. Keep the worthless hubbie and use the speculum behind his back.
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