: What laptop hardware do I need to run high-power video editing programs?
I’m looking to run my Sony Vegas Pro editing program while editing very high definition video on the laptop screen and a separate monitor. I also would like to have PhotoShop CS5 running side by side. I know that this is quite the feat for any laptop. What specs/processors/graphics would I need to run this fairly well?
(Does not need to be a complete streamlined process, but looking to run it without too many glitches.) I must have a laptop, not a desktop.
Answers and Views:
Answer by Wesley
I hate to say this, but I would go with a Mac. If that is not an option, you must have a dual-core, decent clock speed processor and whatever graphics card you deem necessary. Also, I recommend saving everything to an external because video/photo take up a lot of space, increasing hard drive overhead and decreasing speed.
Answer by Mark
Windows XP
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