blackhawk101: Is there any way that I can get my hardware “Safely Removed” when i start up my computer?
when ever i start up my vista computer i always have to go through the “safely remove hardware” steps, and I was wondering if there is a program out there that does that for you. This is for things such as a memory stick that i always have plugged into the computer.
Answers and Views:
Answer by kbugiell
i must be missing something, but if you ‘always’ have the memory stick plugged into the computer, why do you need to use the safely remove hardware at all?
Answer by biggeo65
If it’s just for memory sticks no need to use these steps.
Just make sure that VISTA don’t read the stick and remove it, from usb slot. The same can be for every external device using USB slot, like hard disks or modems etc.
Safely remove hardware is for when Windows communicate with hardware at the moment you unpluged them, to prevent loss of data or damage to the device as USB has a minimum voltage up to 5 volts.
But you can unpluged the hardware from USB port without using the steps for “safely remove” as far as windows don’t use the device.
No programs as far I know that does it for you, because it’s no need it.
Have a nice day
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