Chely: How to take a criminal assualt off your record?
My husband has a criminal charge for family assualt. Is there anyone that knows if there is process we can take, so that the charge will be off his record? And if you do know, please let me know who we can contact in order to get this process started.
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Answer by my avatar is hot but I’m not
Chely, each state has a little different process for a set aside or expungment of a criminal conviction. Tell your husband he needs to contact an attorney in the jurisdiction where he got the conviction, not where you live now if it’s different. That attorney will file a petition with the court who convicted him to get it cleared. If the district attorney is not opposed and the judge agrees a simple hearing in chambers will be all it takes. Usually costs about $ 2000 for the attorney fees. (Usually. 🙂
He must have had some time go by since the conviction, usually at least 5 years with no further criminal history on his part for a court to sign off on it. There are a few states where there is no statutes in place for clearing of records, I hope he’s not in one of those. Good luck, Suz
Answer by Mike R
An expungement lawyer. type “your state expungement lawyer.” or if you’re in a big city the phone book. Each state has wildly different laws. You need a lawyer because the good ole boy network is still strong in the courts. he can get it done you can’t.
Answer by MadMan
It depends on the state you live in. If records in your state can be expunged, you need to contact the court.
Answer by ?
“Family assault” or a domestic violence case may not be a type of conviction that can be expunged. A criminal defense attorney who handles expungements in your state will be able to tell you.
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