m&m: How to eventually develop a friendship through conversations?
How can I develop a friendship with someone through conversations? What do I talk about? How does one become friends with another this way?
And how open should you be with someone when trying to become friends with them? Should you tell them the same things you tell your best friends?
Answers and Views:
Answer by sami
at first be suddle, you dont want to creep them out. but dont be boaring. just talk about like, movies, driving, bf/gfs, friends, people you both know, work/school, you know stuff like that. then be like oh we should hang out sometime.
You shouldn’t tell them the same things you tell your best friends right away. That will do nothing but scare them away. you have to start slow, but you do need to be somewhat open. Like, just be more friendly basically. Talk about your interests, likes/dislikes and the class you’re in or whatever it is that you have in common with that person. Definitely don’t share your whole life story or anything though because then you will probably just come off as desperate. But to develop a friendship, you have to talk quite often. And it does take a bit of work, but it’s worth it. 🙂Answer by chasvanblom
One word:
Act it, be it, and live it in your contacts.
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