Surely Funke: How is morality based on the Bible, if you have to use your own morals to interpret the Bible?
Many laws in the Bible are said to be null after the new covenant. But some are still held as valid. As far as I can tell, this is pretty much based on what people are comfortable with. Which depends on your culture and time period.
So how can someone claim the Bible as an objective moral guide if you use your morals to interpret it?
Answers and Views:
Answer by Joseph M
The Bible represents the cultural moral attitudes of a Bronze Age tribe of desert nomads, not 21st century people living in a world superpower.
Wow, this question might make some people think. Well then again, probably not.Answer by My Mother.
nah, not at all, the Bible is an objective moral guide, it is just based on how society was under the Old Covenant, and how Jesus taught for the new Covenant. We don’t need the ritual law, but the moral law of the Old Testament is still valid. Ritual law is separate to moral law.Answer by [email protected]
this is why we Catholics have the MagisteriumAnswer by Mr Ed
The whole law is summed up in the Bible under “love God” and “love your neighbour as yourself”. I think that pretty well sums up all morality, doesn’t it? And it’s in the Bible.Answer by baristabaristabarista
that is such a fantastically beautifully written question. i just blew a load 3 times. you should ask this everyday several times. and wait for a good answer. this really is the ultimate question. it could be the guide to many things. i.e. gays as a family, the fact that everything in our governments trys so hard to be based off of the ten commandments. good job man.Answer by on my way
The bible set the standard for moralsAnswer by Aono
One Way, One interpretation, One life, and One God. Btw I would go more in depth but your more of in a case of “what, huh, what you are saaaying”.Answer by J
I’m sorry this is not really an answer, but I just had to congratulate you on asking such a fantastic question. Like the guy above me, I just about blew my load three times as well.Answer by Follows Jesus
We are not using are morals to interpret it.
A moral is a way of doing something or a belief.
We use god’s morals not our own human morals.
The holy spirit that lives in us tells us what the bible means.
God made his will very clear in the scriptures
Answer by ctownthug711I have one for you: Which came first the chicken or the egg? Feels like the same concept. Also, don’t forget when you read the Bible, you are reading a translation. You are reading someone’s interpretations and the translator’s morals on the book.Answer by Jason
You don’t use your own morals you use common sense. How can we use our own morals if you have no base for them? Its impossible to do.Answer by Helena W
What morals do you have? and how did you learn about them? Did you make any morals? The greatest and perfect morals are 10 commandments from the Bible, which are the most important. All the after (different countries) constitutions are based on 10 commandments.Answer by Mal Content
There are so many contradictions in the bible that it is easy to make an argument stand either way.
They use the old testament to justify capital punishment and persecution of homosexuals.
But use the new testament to tell you how to get to heaven.
Any way the argument is moot [or moo, as joey would say ] because there is no one sitting back waiting for people to die, so he can judge them.
You can go to heaven, you can go to hell, you can stay at the half way house [limbo or purgatory] as you were sort of good sort of bad.
You can go to hell as your parents didn’t baptise you.
It’s all to stupid for words.
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