Love Branch: How is a brother offended harder to be won than a strong city?
Proverbs 18:19
A brother offended is harder to be won than a strong city: and their contentions are like the bars of a castle.
Answers and Views:
Answer by BoxFace
I think it refers to the battle of the hearts
Humans are such strange creatures!Answer by Lynn B
Proverbs 18:19—How is ‘a brother who is transgressed against more than a strong town’? (NWT)
Like a strong town under siege, such a person may rigidly refuse to make concessions. Contentions between him and the transgressor can easily become as much of a barrier as “the bar of a dwelling tower.”
Answer by ks0311This is a difficult work, but the only alternative is prejudice- Judging before getting the facts. You can not understand this one and you can not judge him.Answer by aida
They don’t get “won” in the same way. A strong city is battered and/or starved into submission, and the feelings of the inhabitants toward the winners aren’t the issue. A brother offended has to be persuaded to forgive. His feelings are the ENTIRE issue.Answer by propheter
This is that family divisions and civil intraCountry decisions for struggle are more onerous, at many times.
For it is written: I did not come to bring ‘peace’, but a sword for from now on the members of a persons household will be divided and at that time family will betray one another when the false prophet comes and implements the number of his name in restricted commerce worship covenant along with 10 leaders for 1335 days.
Answer by crimthann69With a strong city you can use destructive means to gain conquest. Also as a devout person you can go to a strange land and be see for what you are now not your past life. Not so with a brother or family member. If you have offended them in the past, especially with your new found freedom in Christ, you damage them in a way that is hard to overcome. Look at the life of Jesus. Never did he harm anyone yet when he went home people said “Where did this man get these things?” they asked. “What’s this wisdom that has been given him, that he even does miracles! Isn’t this the carpenter? Isn’t this Mary’s son and the brother of James, Joseph, Judas and Simon? Aren’t his sisters here with us?” And they took offense at him. (Mark 6:3)
On a personal note. When I was younger I offended many in my family and to this day I have closed the door to witness to them. They know the sinful old me. The weak me that has stumbles and rightly so. I have yet to earn back their trust in this area. I am getting closer, but I must go slow and not push. I pray and hope that I have a chance to repair the damage done. I also pray and have faith that God will send some one to them until the time comes when I may get to meet them on equal ground as fellow Christians.
Answer by pvh747Folks- there are many ways to win a strong city. not just with force. Regardless, a brother offended-truly offended? You’ve lost him for this life time.
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