Dedicatedonlytome: How do men expect moderate feminists to “weed out” radical “feminists” from Feminism?
First of all, there’s no sort of excommunication process in feminism. Anyone can call themselves a feminist and there’s nothing to stop them. Why do men want to think the radical “feminists” are the real feminists?
Answers and Views:
Answer by ShriekoftheVulture
stop supporting a hate movement like feminism would be one thing. Useful, brainwashed idiots such as yourself are part of the reason feminism has survived for so long
by not supporting feminismAnswer by Inquirer
Jeez, no wonder “moderate feminists”, like yourself, are called useful idiots.Answer by Abdul-Jabaar
To effectively “weed out” radicalism within the feminist movement, social issues that carry societal consequence to negative extremes regarding family law, fatherhood, and masculine identity must be separated from the official rhetorical stances and public representations within the mainstream women’s movement.
At the present, mainstream feminism endorses and quietly shows sinister appreciation for the default criminalization of positive male role playing which translates to an ideological acceptance and overlapping of both “radical” and “mainstream” feminism as feminism.
Answer by John Scribe“Why do men want to think the radical “feminists” are the real feminists?”
Well, frankly when one looks at what feminist organizations have actually DONE with regards to the rights of men, it’s really hard to see it as an “equality” movement. All N.O.W ever seems to do is help female murderers get ridiculously light sentences and work to keep fathers out of the lives of their children.
Actions speak louder than words.
Answer by PC Gunsel KillerYou do that by not supporting them. You speak out publicly, or at least on feminist forums or here. You do not vote for politicians who support these evil lesbians, and once those venal politicians see that most women will vote them out of office for helping in the persecution of men, they will leave those man-haters twisting in the wind.
You join groups like iFeminism or that other one that stands up to the man-haters and fight for equality without hatred. You don’t stand for anti-male groups that spread lies and falsify research to harm not just men, but all of us.
Spread the word about how evil Feminism is, and that women should support equality between the sexes and not hatred.
Men and intelligent women think the “radical” Feminists are the real Feminists because they speak for Feminism. Not only are they the public voice of Feminism, but they are the policy makers, the awful lawyers that force bad laws on us all that take away our rights, the lesbian “professors” that try to turn nice girls into man-hating carpet munchers, and they are the ones that control the female voting bloc. If you look at everything that Feminism has done it has been done by powerful public political Feminists, and supported by the masses of women that are in denial as to what Feminism has done, those women who excuse all the ills done in Feminism’s name, and claim that they are moderate, and they are the ones that stand for Feminism. But what have the moderates done, except for saying that they want true equality between the sexes?
Not to insult you, but this is a good example: Did the average Nazi Party member believe that the leaders of the Nazis would murder millions of Jews and cause the death of scores of millions of people around the world? Would it matter if they said they liked Jews and supported equal rights between Germans and Jews, while their leaders were waging an evil war against most of the world?
The Nazis came into power because people got duped by them, and when they saw what was going on, if they ever did, it was too late.
Answer by ʄaçadeNow if only they could get the Skinheads who hate Catholics, blacks, and Jews to call themselves something else, then the “nice” Skinheads would not be seen as bad people.
Seriously, in the United States, about the most you can do is to examine the “official” Feminist[tm] groups — the Political Action Committees and lobbyists. They are required by federal law to register. Once identified, you can determine if they are the ‘good’ kind or the ‘bad’ kind based on the sexist laws and public policies that they promote. They all get funding from somewhere. Hate speech is protected speech when used for political activism and hidden inside academic language.
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