kadmonzohar: How do Canadian politics work? Are there partys like dems and reps?
How many partys?
How are they associated with England?
Do they vote and how often?
Do they have senators and such?
What do they think of US politics and how does US effect them?
Whatever other related comments or suggestions is cool.
Answers and Views:
Answer by Janet: Independent Liberal
All I know is that they have more than two major parties
The three major ones are Conservative,Liberal,and the New Democratic Party
The Liberal is the moderate party
They have MPs,and I forget what the stands for
Whenever there is an election,it’s a vote for the party and it’s leader unlike in America where it’s a vote for the individual
They have a parliamentary system,and I don’t really know what that has to do with England
England has a lot of influence on Canada,but that’s only historically
Answer by ymmot ton
Conservative party
Liberal party
New Democratic party
Green party
Bloq Quebecois
The Marijuana party [really, no kidding]
We have a parliamentary system
Answer by Mark K
Yes they have tories and Liberals like the UK
mark k
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