taylor m: How do I “ground” myself when opening my computer?
I am planning on adding more RAM to my computer and have read guides on how to do it. But i do not understand the “grounding” process. I am not going to use the anti-shock bracelet thing. Do i ALWAYS have to touch the metal casing or can i touch it once and then add RAM? Also, do i have to wear shoes or can i have just socks on? Thanks!
Answers and Views:
Answer by Simba
shoes would help as it isolates you, but it isn’t mandatory.
Always be touching the case. Any time you aren’t grounded you can build up a static charge.
Answer by anonymouse
It’s not really a big deal. Especially adding RAM.
When I was building my computer, just went into the boiler room, touched a bunch of pipes, and then worked on the computer. Everything was fine. Just try to make sure you’re not wearing socks if you’re on a carpet when you do it.
Answer by superkret
Just touch your rooms radiator, then start working. You don’t need to ground yourself more than once, as static electricity only builds up, when you walk around and move a lot.
Answer by zach86e
Keep off carpet, and touch a metal part of the case BEFORE any electronics. Newegg also sells wrist-straps that ground you. It will help if you keep your shoes on, but that’s not enough to eliminate it.
Answer by cedric stone
touch the frame/case on the inside(nothing painted, pure metal) before touching any circuit board stuff,
if for some reason you short out the computer, try leaving it alone for a while then turning it on, this has worked for me when i thought i fried the motherboard.
Answer by scoutma53
I did this, with the guy from Dell instructing me on the phone: you unplug everything (of course) and THEN hold down the Start button on your tower for 30 full seconds. That gets rid of any residual static stuff. Then you are good to go.
By the way, once inside the tower it is fairly straightforward (undo the clips etc) but the new RAM is a very very tight fit, it took me a long time to actually get it slotted in just right.
Answer by Max W
Disconnect everything but leave the power supply plugged in, this way when ever you touch the case you will be grounded. Also work on like a glass or wood table and stand on tile if you can. I usually work on my computers in the dining room table because its all tile and a glass table.
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