Rick H: Does anybody have any idea what all is involed in a fiancee visa interview in the Philippines?
I will start the fiancee visa processing here in the USA very soon and if there is any help or any tips that i can pass on to my fianceeWe beleive our paper work is okay…..we are very concerned about her interview,we will be very thankful for any info.
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Answer by snvffy
Well, Rick, you’ve got more than the interview to worry about and lots more gates to get thru. Frankly, the money I paid Olvis Immigration and Travel of Cebu & Las Vegas was MORE THAN WELL WORTH IT. I answered very long questionnaires and they prepared the paperwork, FedExed it to me, coached me via phone on exactly where to sign each and every document.
They knew exactly what needed to be done every step of the way, plus they knew all about the interviewS that she would have to pass and THEY HELPED COACH AND PREPARE HER.
The better your paperwork is the easier are the interviews I think. She needs to know all about you and your family situation. We were fortunate and got a very nice interviewer, but my wife (then fiancee) answered the questions brilliantly.
As I recall, she will have to attend a seminar in Manila or Cebu at the Commission for Filipinos Overseas (CFO). Once she’s interviewed at the embassy and passed, she’ll have to return to CFO to get her visa punched (or something) by CFO. Her air ticket will also have another special tax on it because she’s leaving on a fiancee visa.
Before her interview, she’ll have to trip to Manila for a physical at St Luke’s. Closest hotel is Cherry Blossoms. We stayed at the Bayview Park Hotel for her interview. It’s directly across the street from the embassy. Interview day began about 1:30AM and we queued up about 2 or 2:30AM outside the embassy. About 6 AM, the guards open the gate to allow entry into the embassy grounds where you are seated outside until about 8AM. Then you go inside and wait. Then they take your paperwork and you meet with a pre-screener. Then you wait. Once you pass the interview, then you wait to do the biometrics, then you go to pay the visa delivery fee.
Hope this helps….
Answer by gurl
After submitting paperwork, attending CFO and that St. Luke’s Medical (should pass all of those blood test and X-rays) and if those are approved she will be scheduled for interview in the US Embassy in Manila.
She needs to bring photos of you together (this is very important of all), remittances, phone call records, e-mails, chat logs as proof of relationship. It is important that she will establish that her relationship with you is existing and of course healthy. Get all those ready during her interview. She will be asked when and where did you met (Date of course must match from the document(s) they might be holding), your testimonies also must match, very small or slight indifference will be a great deal for them to deny VISA. Other than that she will be ask personal questions like her schooling etc. but it doesn’t matter if she is educated or not, they are just verifying facts according to the docs they are holding (the same paper you submit). Mostly, it’s like a job interview they have the data and they will repeatedly ask…nothing to be nervous about so she should relax.
Visa Journey forum section is a great online place for your guidance. There’s bunch of fiance there in different parts of the world who will help you especially in particular in cases like a US (American) citizen who’s applying for Fiance VISA or K-1 and K-3 VISA. There are people who can guide you and talks about their experiences all throughout the process. Trust me that website is really awesome with real answers from people who experience all of these.
Take a look at the website and joining is free:
Philippine forums section : https://www.visajourney.com/forums/forum/129-philippines/
Answer by Benji F
It will take about 1-2 years
You need financial proof that you have the $ to support both of you
Your house bank records (your equity)
Your bank records
Your tax records for the last 5 years
Your job info
Check it out on the USA embassy web page. and I’d suggest being there with her
BUT, before you go through with this…. many women marry for the green card first, and they know that they have two years to make that marriage work, or they will be out the door 24 months and 1 day later, going to another guys house that they have had set up .
I would not reccommend marrying a woman from another country, especially the Philippines. (unless you are going to live in the Philippines and call it your home)
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