f’it: Would you consider this unforgivable as well?
i broke up with my bf the thursday before last for numerous reasons, but here’s the one i want your opinion on.
ok so on jan 7th we were fighting, we dont live together, he’s not on my lease and he wasnt with me for a few days before that
i said something about a guy that was changing my oil that said he knew him
i went to work that night and shut off my phone becus i didnt wana deal with my bf
well, i found out the night i was at work he snuck into my apartment and rented pornos from my comcast and charged 45 dollars
i had no idea until a couple weeks ago
i flat out dumped him told him it was over, what he did was despicable, disrespectful and unforgivable and disgusting, i completely cussed him out
Not only was it porn but guess what porns he rented- barely legal and 18 n pure he ordered the first at 2:52 am and the last at 4:34 am. he was masturbating to other women in my FREAKIn apt for like 5 hours. i am beyond hurt/devastated/feeling betrayed/enraged etc. He said he didnt watch them(yeah right) and he just did it to piss me off because i supposedly said i was gonna f some guy which i didnt say that
Keep in mind i am 23 he’s 31 and i find it VERY insulting he was looking at TEEN porn esp since i am the mother of his child, yes we have a child he’s 15 mths
I cannot get past the though of him pleasuring himself to other women, much less that kinda porn in my own apartment
and he kept it from me acted like nothing happened until i found out a couple weeks ago. So what do you think, am i justified for completely dropping him? he caused me so much pain i have cried and screamed over this
i did get the charges taken off my account but thats not the point, its what he did
please specify why you think it is unforgivable?
no not when there with me does a 31 yr old man look at teen porn for 5 hours in MY home!!! no way esp since he’s 31 and im 23
what dont you guys get about the fact that he doesnt live there doesnt pay rent and had no right to even be in my apartment and i find it pretty damn offensive he watched teen porn
Answers and Views:
Answer by Don’t be a Pecker
Guys like porn. Let him have his fun.
Answer by Tami
It is unforgivable, but having a child changes things
Answer by Starfish
Absolutely unforgivable.
Consider yourself well shut of this loser. I hope he grows up enough to be a good father.
Good luck out there.
PS–The best revenge is living well and being happy.
Answer by Shandeeka68
Yes, I too would find it unforgivable; however, the fact that you have a child together complicates everything…
Make him crawl, but consider taking him back eventually for the sake of the child and world peace.
Answer by Piglet
All guys look at porn. If you can’t accept that, you’re going to lead a very lonely life.
Answer by Jimmy Dean
Guys like porn.. he should have waited for you and watched it together. thats more fun
Answer by im_3r3k
It sounds like he is a little unstable. Also sounds like he is a little dangerous in that he is willing to sneak in.
The other guy who answered is right, don’t let the porn be the issue, guys will do that and it doesn’t mean you have a bad relationship. You should not be with him for all the other stuff he has done, assuming you are Fing a guy just because you brought it up, sneaking around late hours in your appt, and all the fighting.
If you didn’t have a child with him I would say run awaayyy. It’s your choice.
Answer by daffyslady18
Honestly all men like porn and your husband is not gonna be the exception of the rule. It seems like a natural thing for men to want to look at other women and to watch porn. I personally think the pathetic excuse he gave you was just plain dumb. Being that he is the older one in the relationship he should be more mature rather then giving stupid excuses. The fact that he ordered them without asking you first ( I’m assuming you pay the bills) its understandable, he should of at least apologize for ordering it and putting it on your tab. Dont over do it about him watching porn because its not a big deal, what makes me upset is that he order them and gave you a lame excuse.
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