Dreamstuff Entity: Would you consider someone who appends a “please pray now” solicitation to most his answers to be a spammer?
Not just those three words, but an entire paragraph, having little or nothing to do with the question in most cases.
Is such a practice moral?
Does it comply with the community guidelines?
Answers and Views:
Answer by Hall of Skulls 8
No, I find him to be an annoying creationist lunatic named Chris/David/CJ.
Yeah….if he’s that desperate, why not spend your time at church instead of huddling before a PC in the basement?Answer by Dead Fundie: Suspended & Upset
I might consider it spam, depending on the similarity of his “questions,” but it’s definitely solicitation. I wouldn’t report it.Answer by The Garden of Eartha™ly Delight
Oh who gives a rat’s ar$ e, really??
…Guidelines schmidelines…it’s f*cking R&S…..if you can’t ask people to pray for you here, where the f*ck else are you supposed to do it??Answer by dfj39
No. I would consider that person to be crazy, but not a spammer.
If he includes an entire paragraph everytime, then yes, I’d consider him a spammer.
It is religulous — morality does not enter the picture.
Y!A community guidelines are a laugh. If it offends a religious Y!A reviewer, it is offensive. If not, anything goes. Those are the guidelines at Y!A. If you ask something that is borderline, they will automatically banish your question to the remote corners of Y!A so no one gets to see it.
Edit: Here are two such questions:
Answer by ⌡Machine Head⌠He does get on one’s nerves, and he really doesn’t know what he talks about,
But he’s not a Report Monkey and in my R&S* that’s good enough.
*idiomatic expression, not intended to make claim of ownership
He’s a boring spammer at that.
The guidelines that I’ve seen in practice in here? No, it fits right in with these other goofballs like Corinthians bot.
Trolls and Poes and Bots… oh my.
Answer by JabberwockIt’s for people like that that
Yes.He frequently doesn’t even answer the question.Answer by Neil5624
Not necessarily a spammer. However it does tend to show mental condition.
For that matter, I end all of my answers with:
The Jesus story is a myth.
Rev. Neil
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