Kan doo: Why is homosexuality a sin? What’s wrong with two people who love one another “making love”?
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Answer by moemindy
the Bible says it is a sin ……It is a abomination to the Lord. God made “male and Female.”
Luke 16:15
It’s not. People are just being brainwashed by these churches into thinking love can only be between a man and a woman and it sickens me. I have many gay/lesbian friends. and my best friend in the world is bi. so idont get it either.Answer by Matt
yes its horrible and all those people should be sent to hell by god 🙂
have a nice day.
Answer by k925rIt is not a sin!
Honestly, what’s wrong with it, why should it be criticized when it is ultimately your choice and YOUR life.
The heterosexual way isn’t criticized as much, because the majority is heterosexual, and that’s not how it should be.
People should have the right to live their own life, god gave us life and if the christian religion says that god loves everyone then we shouldn’t be criticized.
It wasn’t our choice to be like this, but we are.
Answer by ☣LΔDΘDGΞΓS☣ΘωΝ☣ΝL☣I don’t think it is a sin. When people say stuff like that I just listen to what they have to say, respect that, and then keep on believing what I believe. I don’t have my own religious views figured out yet because Im pretty young, but the God I believe in loves and accepts everyone and certainly wouldn’t ever promote violence or hatred against homosexuals. But that’s just my opinion. 🙂Answer by mr. brightside
I don’t think there’s anything wrong with two souls that love each other, as long as they are not hurting anyone. Come on…give them a break. Punish the rapists and the terrorists…Answer by Michael E
If promised to one another and embodying love, there is nothing wrong with a same-sex union. What on earth would even be “sinful” about it? Explain to me how it is unloving and who gets hurt.
Eleanor Louise and moemindy,
I don’t lie with another male *as with a woman*. I lie with another male as a *male*. I don’t treat him as a slave or a lesser person as women were sometimes treated. As usual, you don’t bother to learn the historical context or examine the text thoroughly.
Matt – was that rude comment a joke, or are you just ignorant?
*[[StEIL – so you’re saying that priests, monks and nuns should be punished because they aren’t making life? Or that infertile married couples are offensive to God because they don’t have babies? Or that old people can’t marry? You might want to think through this question again, please.
moemindy: Read Galatians 3:28, which quotes Genesis 1:27 in order to overturn it as not applying to Christians.
Answer by *[[StElLaR]]*homosexuality is a sin cuz satan hates women the reason y is cuz we produce life and he hates life. so when ur a homosexual u dnt produce life cuz u are with the same sex. god wants us to be able to produce life so that’s y its a sin.
i had the same question so i asked my youth leader a while back and she told me this.
hope i answered ur question. :]
Answer by AlexisThe Bible says that homosexuality is an abomination.
Then again, it says lobster and polyester are abominations too, so, I wouldn’t put too much stock in anything the Bible has to say.
Answer by Cousin Chopstiks IINothing is wrong with it, it is just written in a book that it is bad…Answer by hope
the bible said,between man and woman,–man can love a man woman can love a woman it’s the love makeing . He love the gays but not what they doAnswer by saving_cows
Really, a huge number of things are considered sins. Eating shellfish, wearing certain types of fabrics, eating meat on certain days, etc. God made a huge list of things that are considered sins, including homosexuality, to prove that it’s impossible for humans not to break them. The point is for you to realize that you have sinned and ask for forgivness and you will recieve it. Being a homosexual is just as bad as eating lobster but for some reason people make a much bigger deal out of the former. It isn’t wrong, it’s human nature to commit sins.Answer by Hadasah C
well well get ready for this…shabot shabot…Yes i am jewish but not only jew i am a messianic jew. which is not a religion it is a relationship with god the creator. We practice jewish traditons, chants, holidays etc. but we believe the yeshua (jesus) like christians is the messiah.
its not what god wants!! ok? pray about it! read the bible. ask yeshua the messizh for the forgivness of evern thinking like this. please except yeshua into ur heart.
go 2 beth hallel.it is a messianic temple the adress it:
950 pine grove roswell ga 30079.
this place changed me. I use to be a homosexual but when i came here i realized its not me i did it to fit in with all my lesbian friends. G-d loves u, i love u, please come join me and the rest of the congregation on sat. at 11 am. god bless u. u will always be in my heart shabot shalom.
Answer by MarqTo be perfectly honest — I no longer give a rat’s @$ $ if some fundagelical Christian, Jew or Muslim thinks “being gay is a sin” and “all gays are going to Hell”.
I am NOT dependent on what a fundagelical thinks about MY sexuality, MY relationship with my partner, or MY relationship with God in order for these things to have validity in my life.
I’m finally at the point where I can quite happily say that the fundagelicals can go bugger off for all I care! If they don’t like homosexuality, and they simply CAN’T accept me as a gay person, then I don’t want those people in my life!
Answer by David S“Eleanor Louise” simply gave a biblical reference from Leviticus. Here are some other items that “she” very conveniently seems to overlook…
Owning slaves, both male and female, seems to be OK (Leviticus 25:44), PROVIDED THAT they are heathens purchased from neighboring nations. So I guess Americans can own only Canadians and Mexicans (but only the heathen ones). Does this mean that Canadians can own American heathens? Can Mexicans own American heathens?
The bible says that if your children are stubborn, rebellious and curse you, they should be killed. (Exodus 21:17 and Leviticus 20:9 and Deuteronomy 21:18-21). So there goes the next generation!
The bible says that you should not grow two different crops together side by side. (Leviticus 19:19) so I would assume that when you plant a garden of lettuce, tomatoes and radishes, you are sinning.
The bible says that you should not dress by mixing different fabrics together, such as cotton and silk. (Leviticus 19:19). Since polyester wasn’t around back then, I’m not sure how this fits in.
The bible says that women are impure after their monthly periods and must go through ceremonial cleansing. (Leviticus 15:19-24).
The bible says that if people commit adultery, they shall both be put to death. (Leviticus 20:10)
The bible says that if a woman is discovered not to be a virgin on her wedding night, then she is to be stoned (Deuteronomy 22:20-21), but I don’t think they mean “stoned” in the same way we mean it today when a certain kind of plant is involved.
The bible says that it’s a sin to touch the skin of a dead pig, so that means that everyone who plays football is sinning against god. (Leviticus 11:7)
Other animals that are “unclean” are cats, turtles, and rabbits. (Leviticus 11:11)
The bible says that if you do not honor the Sabbath then you should be put to death. (Exodus 31:14 and 35:2). And by the way, “Sabbath” means Saturday, not Sunday. Sunday is the Lord’s Day (for Christians), but the Sabbath is still the Sabbath.
The bible says that it’s not OK to eat meat with milk (such as a cheeseburger). It’s also not OK to eat pork, snails, shark, shrimp, lobster and catfish. (Leviticus 11:11). I’m sure all the good ole’ boys down south ain’t too happy ‘bout this’n.
Answer by Desertaosis914I no longer believe it is. Moses wrote those particular laws and he also gave the Hebrews permission to divorce too, but Jesus said in the new testament that God never intended for people to divorce. So I think some things Moses wrote was inspired by God and some were written solely by him. All I know is God loves everyone no matter what sex they like. He knows how people feel and understands.Answer by Sharon D
It’s not a sin! God put all of us on this plaint the way each one of are for a reason. We all have a choice on how we life our lives & at the end when we die it’s God that will juge us, we don’t juge each other.Answer by Iacobus
Meh, I don’t care if it’s a sin. If it is I’ll go to hell and be with the other gays.
I’m an atheist/agnostic. I suppose and Apathist. But if you believe it’s a choice, god gave us free will. If you believe, as I do, that it’s from birth, then he made gays.Answer by Justsimplytasha
its kinda hard to explain, i grew up in the church and was taught that homosexuality is wrong, but personally i feel that if u aint hurting anybody then just let them be what they want. if u fall in love with the same sex then its nobody elses busniessAnswer by χριστοφορος ▒▓█▓▒
Homosexuality is not a sin.Answer by ♥Twilight Fan♥™
I really don’t understand their line of thinking. God also said that killing is a sin, but people think that killing people “for their country” is supposedly O.K. It’s still killing, so why do people who truly believe in God think that is OK, and think people who are gay are terrible people?
I personally don’t think being gay is bad, and I think that the people who are so against it should mind their own business, because it is not their right to tell other people how to live their lives.
Answer by samwilson3dwhat is a sin and what is not is often a matter of perspective and opinion, but when most people say “sin” there is a religious connotation. That being the case in the book of Exodus the bible says that if a man would lie down with another man as you would a woman, that man should be put to death. So the Bible seems to have a negative view of homosexuallity.
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