Steve G: Why is there a government?
Why is there a government?
And why are there taxes?
Answers and Views:
Answer by Shiv
A government exists to keep things “In order”.
As for taxes, they pay for things you don’t, like building hospitals and making roads.
Answer by Jose Galisteo
Government makes laws to keep peace and order,and taxes are to fund the government so they can operate
Answer by Isabelle
So they can get money out of us and hide stuff from us and to be greety little selfish pigs! God i hate the government and taxes! don’t get me started with taxes i hate taxes!! The government is so greedy why don’t they take are tax money and take it and build better rodes most of them are bumpy and what about the houses they fall apart to easy..
Answer by Tanya
There is a govornment because we fought for independance and that is what we wanted. We have the govornment so we can have some controll over the country.. Some places are crazy because they don’t have a govornment! And we pay taxes to pay for things like schools pr police department huma servises that are free to us.
Answer by George S
Taxes are intended to pay the cost of government. Government exists because too many people are not willing to cooperate with other people and negotiate fair exchanges. Sadly most people on earth are from family first cultures and are inclined to grab all they can for their families whether or not that is a fair amount for them. Relatively few people hold community first traditions and won’t drive for whatever they can get.
Some people cannot be trusted out of our gunsights. Too many of those worm into government. That’s why the anti-Federalist farmers and tradesmen included citizens right to military weapons in the US Bill of Rights they demanded be included with the last US Constitution.
Answer by Daniel
Because your country or state runs like a business and so you need to goven that, and with out taxes there would be no schools, roads, army and no laws 2 keep things in check…
Answer by Ordo-Ab-Chao
The government is a giant version of the Mafia. Most taxes go to pay the mafia banksters and to fund perpetual war.
Answer by MTR 2.0
Because humans believe in justice and seek to uphold it.
Answer by Texas Mike
I would like to eliminate both. Still looking for ideas. Leaders cause all the problems and wars .. taxes drag us down. We need a new direction that still spurs economic activity.
Answer by IAN
We are told by the government ,that we need a government to control us.Taxes are the money government spends controlling us.Whether we require so much control or not I don’t know ,as like most people I have always had a government of some kind controlling me.Weirdly we call this democracy,because we get to choose the people who tell us what to do.And we pay through the nose for the privilege of being governed.
Answer by old-bald-one
governments are created to protect , defend , and aid all who live within it’s boundaries . That can mean an army to protect you from outside forces or a police force to protect you from criminals .
Governments also aid a society by building roads and bridges and hospitals . Governments improve it’s citizens lives by educating them . Governments help insure a healthy society by providing water and sewer systems for people to use. And finally governments create rules or laws to insure it’s citizens are not taken advantage of by business .
Taxes pay for all the things that governments do for you. Taxes pay for soldiers to protect your country and police to protect your home . Taxes pay for schools and the teachers in the schools. Taxes cover all the costs a government incurs .
Answer by Peace through blinding force
According to Americans, it’s to protect individuals’ natural rights.
According to Democrats, it’s for you to obey unconditionally, even unto your life.
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