Slash the Weasel: Why are infertile people allowed engage in coitus?
It’s bad enough that society is starting to tolerate homosexuality, but infertile heterosexuals cannot procreate either, which defeats the whole purpose of copulation.
Answers and Views:
Answer by James
They like the sex. It may be shocking, but people do have sex, not to have children, but because they enjoy it.
See how silly it gets when people try to pass laws regarding the sexual behavior of consenting adults?Answer by Cameron
Finally! I’ve been saying this for years.Answer by John S
That is one way to look at it. You won’t find many agreeing with you.. but to each their own.
MOST look at it as one only has to be “open” to procreation. Not that they must be capable of procreating. But that they must be open to life and accept the natural results of their actions. Whether or not they actually get pregnant is not what is important.
That’s the principle that most people who believe sex is about procreation adhere to.
Homosexual sex acts are not open to even the possibility as they are completely sterile by the fact that they are not complimentary.
Heterosexual sex is still open and capable, even if the couple can not conceive.
This is because they are complimentary and working with how God designed them.
Of course, it is actually not allowed for infertile people to get married in the first place in the Catholic Church. For example, a quadriplegic who could not have kids naturally, would not be able to get married in the Catholic Church specifically because they can not produce offspring. And the ability to have children is a requirement for Sacramental marriage. If they were already married and one of them became a quadriplegic that would be a different story, since they are already married. No man can separate what God has already joined together. John S was right when he said they need to be open to God’s will in the matter. But in the case of a quadriplegic sex wouldn’t really be possible anyway.
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